Day 14: Sunday

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2 weeks.

2 weeks.

"In 2 weeks my life has gotten worse. Much worse. My life is more fucked up now than it was when I first got here." I say to Darren, watching as he looks at me wearily. He decided to come in to speak to me today despite it being a Sunday. I immediately fell asleep after Andrew and Tee left, my exhaustion finally over taking me. So I missed our session. "And at this point, I wouldn't know how to begin fixing it if it was written on a big ass bill board." I continue.

"What is it that you want to fix exactly?" He asks, grabbing his pen and pad. I shrug, "well my relationship with my best friend. I never knew that it was so one sided until yesterday. And I want to fix my thinking... I don't want to feel this way anymore."

"Okay," he shifts forwards in his seat, "let's start with the first thing: fixing your friendship. I'm assuming that you're speaking of the relationship with Telara?" I nod. "Well that one is simple: be a better friend."

"Would you like to explain to me how to do that? Because if I knew I surely wouldn't have mentioned it." I sass.

"If I knew I surely wouldn't have mentioned it..." He mimics.

" He mimics

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"Bitch." I mutter while chuckling. He cracks a smile, "listen, the steps are very easy: get your head out of your ass. Ask her how she's feeling, how her day is going! Just listen to her! Be there for her! It's the simple things that improves stuff. You don't have to do much. And as far as your thinking"

The door bursts open, a Rex face Dawson stomping in. "You!" He sneers, pointing an accusatory finger at me. "I." I respond, raising an eyebrow. "You knew he was going to do it." He accuses.

"Knew who was gone do what?" I question, confused. "Yeah, who did what?" Darren chimes. "You knew Andrew was going to kill those men!" Darren shouts. I picked my lips, biting the inside of my cheek. I lean back in my chair and cross my legs, shrugging. "You know what?" He reaches in his suit pants pocket, "you're going to jail as an accessory to murder!" He snaps. He stomps over to me, grabs my arm and drags me out of my chair. I scoff and snatch out of his grip. He reaches for my arm again and I step out of his reach.

He Huff's and runs at me, tackling me to the ground. "What the fuck?! Get off me!" Dawson straddles me while Darren screams for him to stop but not daring to touch him. My right hand flies out and I slap Dawson, his head whipping to the left. "Get off of me!" I scream as he grabs my wrist and makes me flip onto my stomach. I feel his knee position itself onto my back and I scream at the top of my lungs. "I didn't do anything! I did not do anything!" I scream.

"Stop resisting!" He shouts, the cold cuff sliding around my wrist. "You have the right to remain silent--"

"I did not do anything!"

"Detective! You must stop! She is a very small woman; your knee can do a lot of damage to her spine! Also she didn't say anything to your accusation! You are arresting her off of suspicions and personal anger!" Darren points out. "If you take this woman in you will lose your badge!"

"Andrew destroyed my case! I had a warrant for the arrest of those men in my hand when I got the call that they were shot and killed!" Dawson screams. "You're destroying your life because I promise you that if you take this innocent woman in on an accessory to murder charge with no evidence and only suspicion I will go to court and testify!" Darren threatens. "You are interfering with police business, back up, sir!" Dawson commands. Dawson intensifies the pressure of his knee on my back and my breathing becomes hard.

"Get off of me! I didn't know anything!" I lie. I will get him killed. It's over for him. "You're lying Stephanie! I know you and I know you're lying!"

"You don't know shit about me and I don't know shit about that!"

"Dawson!" A familiar voice shouts. Straining my neck to look at the door I spot Dawson's partner and what looks like their superior (because he has one of those fancy outfits on). "Get him off of me!" I scream, bringing on the water works. "What do you think you're doing?" The stranger with the fancy outfit asks, stepping into the room. He takes his hat off and tucks it under his arm, putting his hands in his pocket.

"She knew about Andrew going to kill those mean. She knew! --"

"Sir, no she didn't!" Darren says. "He asked if she knew and she said nothing!"

"She shrugged!" Argues Dawson.

"Which doesn't mean yes!"

"It most certainly doesn't mean no!"

"Quiet!" Dawson's partner shouts. "Dawson. You asked a woman, who is in a rehabilitation center for having a mental breakdown, whether she knew about someone planning to commit murder. You are restraining a mental patient. You are about to lose your job."

"Release that woman immediately!" The stranger demands. "But chief--" Dawson begins. Oh so that's his chief? Good to know. "I said release her! Take your knee off of her spine-- Jesus Christ, the lady is small, that isn't called for! Take those cuffs off of her and you," he points to Darren, "help her up and make sure she is fine."

Slowly but surely, Dawson takes the cuffs off and stands. Gentle hands grip under my shoulders and help me up. I hunch forward, rubbing my now sore back, glaring at Dawson. Dawson rolls his eyes at me and I launch at him, catching him with my left hook before Darren could grab me. Dawson's partner quickly gets between us. "Arrest her! She just assaulted a police officer!"

"No, that was in self-defense since you just unlawfully restrained her!" Chief explains. "You're lucky that's all she did because if she was to grab a pen and stab you with it, I would turn legally blind. Now get your ass out of this building and straight to my office."

Let's get some interaction going! What do you guys think is going to happen next?! We're halfway through the 30 days so how do y'all think the rest of the month is going to go?!

Also, there will be no update for next week (9/15/17) because I'm going on a writing spree and writing multiple chapters for multiple books. Since I'm going to be doing a lot of writing, I know for a fact that I am going to forget to update so I'm just going to warn you guys now lol. But anyway, comment your thoughts and humor me!

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