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I know my brother is Kira. It's degrading considering the fact that our father is a member of the police force.

Light and I used to be pretty close. Hell, I used to spend more time in his room than my own. He was pretty much the only friend I have ever had, which was weird because we're both top students at Daikoku Private Academy and the top students usually get the most attention from everyone. But I was excluded from that from the very start.

However, my social status is of no concern right now. What actually matters is the mass murderer living a room away from me. Out of all people, why did it have to be him? Ever since he was a mere child, Light has dreamed he'd be the harbinger of a utopian world, a new world, free from crime and evil, but I had always regarded it as nothing more than a children's dream. I had never considered that he would one day attempt to bring his vision into reality. Until now.

Light is gone; Kira is in control.

Figuring out that Light was Kira was easy; he had always been awful at hiding things. That and, well, I am quite good at finding things. My first clue that something was awry was the fact that he started booby-trapping his bedroom door. The trap was subtle, clever even, but I knew it was only a matter of time before I figured out what he was hiding. I spent some time with my ear to our shared wall and listened to every single word he said. He had started talking to himself constantly, and the things he was saying were dastardly. Over time, I came to realize that he was not talking to himself, he was, rather, talking to something named 'Ryuk'. For a while, I thought that Light had simply lost his mind and manifested his insanity into an imaginary friend, of sorts. It wasn't until I was watching Light walk through an alley near our home when I realized Ryuk was not imaginary. I watched it eat an entire apple, core and all. It just disappeared into thin air. The only possible explanation I could come up with was this: Ryuk was a Shinigami, a god of death, ascended from its realm to assist Light in murder. It's not very plausible, but it is the best explanation I've got.

"Akihito, Light, dinner is ready!" my mother called from the bottom of the stairs. I slammed my textbook shut and shoved it to the side.

"Coming!" I yelled as I stood up and opened my room door just as Light opened his.

"Aki," Light quipped in a monotone voice, completely different from the crazed tone he just used moments ago in his room.

"Light," I answered sharply, brushing past him.

I wouldn't say dinner was uncomfortable, but it was a bit... Quiet. My father wasn't home on time so it was just me, Light, my mother, and my little sister Sayu. I sat down in the chair across from my mother sitting like I always do; I bent my left leg so that I sat directly on my foot, and I curled my right leg upright towards my chest. This allowed me to rest my head on my knee.

"Sit like a lady," my mother demanded tightly.

"No, thanks."

"So Light and Akihito, I heard that you two are at the top of the class once again," Sayu stated, most likely to try and change the subject before things got ugly.

Light laughed lightly and scratched the back of his head replying, "Yeah, I guess you could say so, but Aki seems to still find herself at the bottom of the social hierarchy."

"At least I'm not shallow and conceited."

"Behave, Akihito," my mother snapped, cutting off our bickering.

I pushed around a piece of broccoli and responded with a sharp 'no.'

"How da-"

"I'm home!" My father interrupted.

"Hey, dad!" I cheerily shouted. "Perfect timing!" He sat down in the chair next to my still fuming mother, looked up at me, and smiled.

"What's gotten you so excited?" He laughed, as he piled food onto his plate. I placed my silverware down.

"Actually I was wondering something," I said, preparing myself to hear the answer I knew was coming.

"Ask away." I looked up from my plate and met his gaze.

"You're working on the Kira case now, right?"

He sighed, assuming what I was going to say, and began to deny. "You know I can't give you any infor-"

"That's not what I wanted to ask," I interrupted, "I was wondering if I could go in and help solve the case? Maybe I could have a part-time job or something." Light made a choking noise, and I smirked. I could see him in my peripheral vision, he was in pure shock.

Ha, I bet you weren't expecting that you sick bastard.

"Wait what? Why would you want to do that, Aki? We have our tests coming up so you should be studying. Besides, it's a dangerous case," Light butted in.

"And dad," I started, ignoring my brother, "I already know so much. I could be of use to you and your partners. Plus it'd be nice to have a fresh pair of eyes and ears to help catch things you didn't notice." I was really hoping I didn't have to end up begging anymore because, well, it was degrading.

My father leaned back in his chair and scratched his chin in thought, "I suppose we could use you." He paused, considering my offer. "You are only to do this on one condition: you are to stay in the building and work at all times. There is no going outside whether you're alone or with someone. It's too dangerous. You need to promise me that you will stay inside."

I crossed my fingers under the table and chirped, "I promise!"

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