Twenty Six

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"Woah... This place is massive..." My voice echoed off the bare walls of the new investigation room, catching the attention of everyone in the room. I ignored the stares and focused my attention on the giant screen at the far end of the room.

"Wait, wait, wait. Matsuda, please don't tell me this is the chick you've been staying with," Aizawa laughed, "you've been sleeping with the chief's daughter? Oh this is golden!"

Soichiro whipped his head around and Light spat out his drink.

"Matsuda's been doing what?" he asked, his voice deadly calm.

I stepped forward and stared at my reflection in the giant screen, completely ignoring Soichiro and Light. I was getting fat.

"C-chief I..." Matsu stuttered in panic.

I watched Soichiro's reflection begin to charge at Matsu and I spun around. "Don't you fucking touch him," I sneered through gritted teeth, gearing up, ready to pounce on Soichiro if I needed to. Nearly everyone gasped, including Matsu, who quickly strode over to me and grabbed my shoulders, holding me back.

"Aki, please," Matsu leaned close to my ear and whispered, "relax." I closed my eyes and exhaled in frustration.

"Get your filthy hands off my daughter!"

I felt Matsu's grip tighten, "No." I opened my eyes to find Ryuzaki and Soichiro standing side by side, Soichiro's face red with rage. Ryuzaki stared intensely at Matsu, looking almost lost in thought. The clanking sound of chains rang throughout the room as Ryuzaki lifted his thumb to his mouth, and I noticed a handcuff on his wrist. My eyes followed the chain and fell upon Light; they were attached at the wrist.

I furrowed my brows in confusion and asked, "...Light, why are you handcuffed to Ryuzaki?"

Ryuzaki's eyes widened. "Ryuzaki?" he nearly whispered, all the color in his face drained as he dropped his head.

"You know what, I don't fucking care. Can somebody just show me this audio file," I muttered.

"It's already set up for you on the monitor," Light informed, "you just have to hit the space bar to play it."

"Cool, thanks." I walked over to the desk, plopped down in the chair, and looked up at the monitors. I watched Matsu appear behind me through the faint reflection and let my finger hover over the space bar. He rested his right hand on my shoulder and squeezed, letting me know he was ready for me to play the file. I tapped on the space bar and let my own modulated words fill the room.

"Hello, Kira Investigation Team. I am Mika Lune, and I know who Kira is. However, in order for you to believe me, I will have to guide you into figuring out his identity on your own. Therefore, I have decided that the best way for me to help you is through pre-recorded audio or live voice conferences. If you accept, leave your terms on a document encrypted on a USB drive in the cup holder of the last seat in Toho Cinemas room 12. If not, you guys are fucked."

"Well, I like her." I stated, standing up. "I say we accept. I mean, what have we really got to lose?"

"I... I don't understand," Soichiro growled, stepping towards Matsu, "you have been housing my daughter all this time, watching me worry to the point of insanity, and never once thought to tell me?" He lunged forward and grabbed Matsu by the collar, "And as if that wasn't enough, you conned her into crawling into bed with you? I COULD FUCKING KILL YOU."

"Actually," Ide butted in, "Matsuda hasn't been back here since you and Light were put into confinement." While Soichiro was being distracted by Ide, I pushed him off of Matsu and stood between them.

"Aki, stay out of this," Soichiro warned, the corners of his mouth twitched as he rolled up his sleeves.

Matsu placed his hands on my shoulders once again, but this time he was shaking wildly, so I took a small step backwards and pressed my back up against him. That seemed to calm him, and after a few seconds he spoke, "It's true we have been living together. She had called me crying in the middle of the night asking me to pick her up from a café near here. I tried driving her back home but she wouldn't get out of the car. I didn't know what else to do, so I brought her back to my apartment. And honestly, it was the best decision of my life."

"I called you 150 times since you left, and only one of the calls didn't go to voicemail, yet you still failed to answer," Ryuzaki spoke up, moving next to Soichiro.

"O-oh yeah that," Matsu began, stumbling over his words. "W-well, we were just b-busy."

"Busy? Busy?" Soichiro snarled. "What could you-"

I cut him off, "I don't need you always keeping tabs on me as if I'm one of your damn cases." The doors to the room slammed open and an obnoxious looking blonde girl came running in. She latched herself onto Light's arm and looked at me.

"Who's she?" she asked, her high-pitched voice matched her annoying face. I crossed my arms.

"Misa, this is my sister, Akihito," Light said, introducing us. "Aki, this is my girlfriend, Misa." I raised an eyebrow. Hello, Second Kira.

"Oooo she's cuteee! It's super nice to meet you, Akihito! I think we're gonna be great friends!"

In a flat voice dripping with sarcasm, I responded, "Yeah, sure we are." Walking from the center of the room to one of the green couches in the corner, I plopped down and rested my chin on my knee, I was already exhausted. Matsu apprehensively sat down next to me, constantly glancing over his shoulder at Soichiro. I sighed and lifted my chin to rest my forehead on my knee instead. My stomach growled loudly and I winced.

"We need to get you lunch," Matsu declared. I kept my forehead against my knee and let my hair fall around my head.

"I'm not hungry."

"Yes you-"

"I want coffee" I interjected.

"No," Matsu objected quickly.

"I'll get some for you, Aki," Soichiro says. I felt Matsu move from next to me.

"Chief wait!" he yelled, but it sounded too late. I lifted my head from my knee, looked at him, and smiled mischievously.

"Aki, you can't drink that," Matsu warned. I tried giving him puppy-dog eyes, but they didn't seem to work, his face remained stern.


"No." I sighed and gave up trying, returning my forehead to my knee. I knew he was right, but I couldn't help but sulk. I was just so fucking tired. I was tired of trying, of eating and sleeping, of everything. 

Maybe Matsu was right, maybe we shouldn't have come back. 

I hugged my knee to my chest as Soichiro returned with a cup of coffee.

"I'll take that," Matsu said, rushing over and ripping the cup from his grip before I could take it. Soichiro stared at him in shock and anger, and Matsu narrowed his eyes. The rattling of chains filled the room again, breaking the tension, and Ryuzaki shuffled over to Matsu, pulling Light along with him. He brushed past Matsu and stood right in front of me, I kept my eyes trained to the floor, not daring to look up at him.

"You suggested that we accept her offer, did you not, Hito?" He questioned. I could feel his eyes on the top of my head and I just nodded. He quickly walked away and crouched at the computer, typing furiously. I took a deep breath and followed him. I stood behind him and read over his shoulder; he was typing out his terms. I ignored the bickering behind me and focused all of my attention on Ryuzaki's words.

We will only communicate through email and/or live voice conferences henceforth. Please also note that I will be utilizing a voice modulator during those voice conferences, and I would advise you to do the same.

There are to be no written documents, only audio files. This includes written emails.

We are to never meet in person under any circumstance.

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