Chapter 4

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Beatrice POV:

I wake up the next morning, take my shower, and brush my teeth. I put on my blue shorts and a white shirt with my white flats.

I take my hair out of a ponytail and let it hang on my shoulders. I brush my hair, grab my blue backpack and walk downstairs.

"Morning Mommy, Daddy, and Caleb."

"Morning Bea." They say.

"Mommy can I have an apple? I'm not really hungry."

She hands me an Apple and smiles.

"I love your hair Bea."

"Thank you mommy. Come on Caleb let's go."

"Hey I am the only one aloud to be happy for school." He says.

I stuck my tongue out at him and we laugh. We wave goodbye to our parents and race to school.

"Bye Caleb." I say as I walk to my classroom.

"Okay class. We are gonna do spelling, math, reading, and a little audition." Ms. Smith says.

Tobias and I do all our work, play, make faces, and giggle the whole time. Then we go to the music room. Tobias grabs a mic and starts singing.

When he is done Zekey, Uri, and my mouth drops. He blushes and puts the mic down. Even the teacher is staring at him with wide eyes. I grab the mic and start sing.

I love singing. Everyone in my class stares at me with wide eyes and open mouths.

"Beatrice and Angeline are competing for the Cinderella part. Tobias is the Prince." Ms. Smith says.

Then she says we can talk.

Angeline walks up to Toby and they talk. She does the unbelievable! She kisses his cheek. I feel a pang of jealousy. My cheeks burn up.

"Bea. Are you ok? You cheeks are red like a tomato." Uri says.

I run to the bathroom.

Toby is just my friend. I do not like him. Yes I do. I do. I do. I love my best friend.

I let my cheeks calm down and then I walk back to the music room. I am just very mad now.

"Hey Bea. Are you okay?" Toby asks me.

"I don't know. Go ask your new girlfriend." I say and my cheeks burn up again.

"She is not my girlfriend."

"Then why did she kiss your cheek?"

"Because she was being nice unlike you!"

Everyone starts laughing except for Toby, Zekey, and Uri. Tears burn in my eyes, they spill. I turn to walk out the door, Toby grabs my arm.

"Wait Bea. I'm sor--" He starts but I pull out of grasp. I walk out of the door. The school day is over. I walk to the classroom, pack my homework, and sit in a chair with my backpack. The class walks back and they all smile at me. Marcus walks in, Tobias and I follow him, and we get Caleb too. I look out the window the whole drive. He drops us off, I walk upstairs with Tobias behind me. I walk into my room and he follows. I put my stuff down on my desk.

"I'm sorry Bea. You are the best friend a boy could have." He says and I hug him.

When we are done. I put him a chair to sit next to me. We do spelling, math, and we read a book.

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