Chapter 37

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Archerygirl10 wrote this chap


The kiss is magical. I feel sparks fly. After a while we pull apart and continue dancing. "I like you too" I say. He smiles widely. "Bea, would you like to be my girlfriend" he asks me, only a little bit nervous. "Yes" I say excitedly. "Cool" he replies. "By the way next time can you tell your friend not to punch me so hard" he continues. "Huh" "Bria punched me in the nose and broke it. She also said some things" he tells me. That's why his nose is so red. "Can you excuse me. I need to go talk to my friends" I say then storm over to where my friends are. She's so dead.


Bea is walking over to us angrily. What did that jerk do. "Bria, did you punch Toby" she asks me angrily. Uh oh. Make an excuse. Make an excuse. "Hey look, Jackson doesn't have anyone to dance with. I should go dance with him" I say quickly, getting up trying to go before Bea can stop me. "No you don't"she says making me sit back down. I'm dead. "Did you punch Toby in the noise. Yes or no" she asks me sternly. "Yes" I reply. "Why would you do that" she yells at me, but only loud enough for me and the girls to hear. "Well he broke your heart, so I thought he should have something broken too. His nose isn't as precious as a heart, but it was were my fist landed so... Oh well" I say then lean back carefree. The girls laugh, but stop when Bea glares at them. "You still shouldn't have punched him" she says. "But I was defending a friend" I whine. "He break heart. I break nose" I say like a caveman. The girls laugh including Bea. "I'm still mad at you" she says after she stops laughing. "Aww, come on Bea. The other girls aren't mad that I punched him" I whine while gesturing to the other girls who were trying not to laugh. Bea thought for a while then signed. "Fine. I'm not mad at you. Just don't punch him again" she replies. "I make no promises" I say as she leaves. When her back is turned to us the girls start giving me high fives and saying good job. "I know y'all are high fiving each other" Bea says making us all freeze. A second later we continue high fiving. Bea laughs.

Hey guys. CharmedWords let me write a chap which is awesome!!!!!! She's the best friend a person can have!!!!! I hope u likes this chap. Vote and comment and plz plz plz plz go read my stories. My wattpad name is Archerygirl10.

Stay amazing and Peace out✌️

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