Chapter 8

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Beatrice's POV:

I wake up. I look around. I am in my tree house. Toby is here too. I shake him.
"Toby. Wake up." I say. He stirs and wakes up.
"Five more minutes." he mumbles.
"Get up." I say pushing and he jumps up.
He looks around.
"What happened?"
"I don't know. But let's get down."
"What did we do?" Toby asks as we climb down the treehouse.
"Toby. You are seven and I am six. We were probably just sitting around thinking about bugs."
"Most likely."
I knock on the back door. My mom answers it smiling.
"Morning Sleepyheads." She says.
"Morning mommy." I say.
"Morning Mrs. Prior." Toby says.
"You buggies hungry?" She asks us.
"Yep." We says.
"I've got chocolate muffins."
We do a funny dance and my mom laughs.
"Mrs. Prior, did my mom and dad come by?" Toby asks.
"Oh yes. You know how your mom and dad work with Mr. and Mrs. Pedrad?" My mom asks.
"Yes." He answers.
"Well, they are on a business trip for a week. So you guys are staying here. Mr. Pedrad brought Zeke and Uriah while they were sleeping. They are on the couch."
We run to the couch.
"Wake up!" We yell.
They fall out of the chair and we laugh.
My dad walks downstairs and scolds us.
"Beatrice. Tobias." He says.
"Oh Lucas, they are just having fun." My mom says.
"Oh alright."
I giggle at my parents.
Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Please don't hate me. I am updating don't worry.

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