Chapter 35

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Beatrice POV:

I sit at a lunch table with Bria, Mia, Sanne, Emilia, Laura, and Belle.
"He took Vivian to our fort in the woods and that was only for Zeke, Uri, Tobias, and me, then he told me that I wasn't being a best friend. As if I didn't feel bad enough, with him saying yes to Vivian and all. So I told him I hated him and then I left. Now Caleb won't stop looking at me like something is up because before Vivian, Toby and I used to do everything thing to together... Okay not everything together but most things. We used to hold hands, eat together, and all those other things. I mean, I'm sure he's doing them with Vivian but it still hurts. I actually really liked him and--" Belle cuts me off.
"Stop talking and take a deep breath," she says.
I inhale and exhale.
"I'll be right back," Bria says getting up.
I nod.
Bria POV:

I walk over to Tobias's table.
"Hey Tobias. I need to talk to you," I say.
"I'm talking right now," he says.
"Oh you thought you had a choice. No, seriously get up right now."
"I'm talking."
I grab him by the ear and pull into a secure area and punch him in the face.
"Ow! What the freak was that for?!" He yells.
"You broke Bea's heart so I broke your nose, you jerk. She's been nothing but kind to you and you act like a douche by saying yes to that girl, whatever her name is, breaking a promise, then saying she wasn't acting like a best friend. You're not acting like a best friend you douche. You kissed her for goodness sake. I hope you die in a hole."
I slap him and walk back to my table.
"Did you kick him in the balls?" Emilia whispers.
"No, but I slapped and punched him," I reply.
"Fair enough."
I look at Beatrice, who is playing with her food.
"It's okay Bea. We can go to the dance in a group," Mia says.
Bea smiles weakly.
We smile too, trying to make her feel better.
"Do I need to bring out the phonebook?" Laura whispers to me.
I nod.
The bell rings and we head to class.

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