Chapter 28

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Beatrice POV:

Toby and I sit in the tree house eating sandwiches.
"Mm. I love your mom's sandwiches." Toby says.
"Sammiches!" I exclaim.
Toby laughs.
"Sammiches. That's a funny word." He says.
"Bea! I'm climbing up there!" Caleb yells.
"What's his problem?" Toby asks me.
"I don't know. He's been clingy lately." I reply.
"I know what his problem is." Toby replies winking at me.
I shove him playfully.
Caleb climbs up and sits next to me.
"So what are you doing?" Caleb asks.
"Eating sammiches." Toby says.
"I wasn't talking to you."
Caleb narrows his eyes at Toby.
I groan.
Toby frowns at Caleb.
I touch Toby's hand and look into his eyes as if to tell him,
Caleb pushes our hands apart.
"That's better." He says.
"Caleb!" My mom calls.
"Room! Now!"
Caleb turns bright red and climbs down the treehouse.
"Finally." I say sighing.
"What happened to him?" Toby asks.
"We grew up and he became more and more protective of the guys I hang around."
"It's not like I'm going to do anything. You're my best friend."
I smile and kiss his cheek.

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