Chapter 26

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Beatrice POV:

Toby, Caleb, and I stand in the kitchen.
"Caleb. Mom and Dad are going to kill you." I say.
"Hush! We don't want to wake them." Caleb says.
"Don't worry. the taste of your food will wake them up for sure." Toby mutters and I giggle then I stop.
"Caleb. That's not suppose to happen." I say.
"How would you know?" Caleb asks.
"I am a better cook than you."
"Are not!"
"Am to!"
There's a bubble and it's growing.
It's really big now.
Then it pops.
I glare at Caleb as he smile innocently.
I jump on him.
"I told you not to do it!" I yell hitting him.
"Sorry!" He yells as I continuously hit him.
Toby pulls me off of Caleb as he hides under the table.
Mom and Dad walk in.
Toby and I look at each other, thinking the same thing.
"It was Caleb!" We yell in unison.
They divert their eyes to Caleb.
"Thanks guys." Caleb says sarcastically.
"You're welcome." We reply.
Toby and I are at the pond.
"I wonder what it would be like to be a duck." Toby says.
I look at him.
"You're strange." I say.
"I've been told more than once." Toby replies smirking.
Then something catches my eye.
"Awwww. Look. It's a baby duck!" I exclaim.
I pick it up and Toby pets it.
Then I put it back down so it can join it's family.
"I want to be a king some day." Toby says.
"That was random." I say.
"Well I'm all about strange."
"I like food."
"That was random."
"Well I'm all about the weird."
I hold Toby's hand.
"We can be weird and random together." I say.
Toby smiles and kisses my cheek.
"I would like that." He says.

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