Chapter 20

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Caleb POV:

I catch Tris as she falls backwards. Ms. Smith stares at Tris.
"Call our parents!" I yell.
She takes out her phone and calls my parents. I stand there fanning Tris.
My mom and dad throw the door and take Tris from me.
My dad picks up Tris and we run to the car and drive to the hospital.
My mom and dad argue the whole way there. Even when they take Tris into the ER.
"You shouldn't have let her go!" My mom shouts.
"She told me she was fine and I wasn't going to press her anymore!" My dad says.
"BE QUIET!" I yell.
They stop talking (shouting) and look at me, shocked.
"Don't you see Tris is sick because of you two! Fighting all the time! She's tired and sad of all the shouting being passed from one person to the other. Haven't you noticed we haven't even been sleeping in the treehouse! We're tired of it! And the least you can do is act like you care!" I shout.
They expressions soften.
They kneel down to my level.
"We're sorry Caleb. We do care." My dad says.
"Don't apologize to me." I simply say and sit down.
Lillian (Beatrice's Mom) POV:

"He's right." I say. "I'm sorry Luke. I was just stressed. From work and I took my anger out on you."
"I'm sorry too. I knew you were stressed but I kept making you mad."
I hug him.
The doctor walks out the room.
"Mr. and Mrs. Prior." He says.
Luke and I raise our hands.
"Well Tris is not okay. She has a really high fever. Right now she's sleeping. When she wakes up we will give her medicine and some shots." The doctor says. "But she'll be fine. She's a tough cookie."
I smile knowing there is still hope.
Caleb and Luke smile too.
The doctor smiles an walks down the hall.
Caleb grabs my hand and I look at him.
"Will you guys stop fighting?" He asks me.
"If I promise we will stop fighting, will you clean your room?" I ask.
"I asked for a favor, not a miracle." He replies and I laugh.
"We promise." Luke and I say in unison.
Caleb smiles and sits in the chair.

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