Chapter 41

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Tobias's POV:
"Dad no!" I yell.
He hits my mom with the belt again.
I run to her.
"Stop! You'll kill her," I say.
"Good! Maybe next she won't lie."
He raises the belt to hit her again and I throw myself in to save her.
"Aah!" I yell.
My back in pain.
"Tobias!" my mom yells.
"Fine. I don't wasn't to do this. But Tobias this is for your own good."
He begins hitting my back with the belt.
"Stop! Stop! Stop Marcus! He's my son!"
"He's also my son!"
"Then stop hitting our son! Please Marcus!"
He stops.
He is silent for a while then he walks away.
My mom grabs me.
"Tobias, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry."
She sobs as she holds me tighter.
Beatrice's POV:
Toby and I are in the treehouse.
"Tobias, are you okay?" I ask.
He looks at me then looks away.
"Can I tell you something?" he asks.
I nod.
"I'm not 13, I'm 15. My parents just enrolled me in school late."
He lifts his head to look at me.
"I'm not mad," I say. "You were scared."
He hugs me.
"They are putting me in the right class next year. I'm ahead of everyone," he says.
"So you won't be taking on eighth grade with me."
"Hey. Hey, it'll be okay."
He kisses me.
I hear his name being called in the distant.
He hugs me for a long time.
"Toby, what's wrong? I'll see you tomorrow."
He gives me another kiss.
"I love you," he says.
That was weird. He's going to see me tomorrow.
The bad feeling returns to my stomach.
My phone rings and I answer it.
"Bea I'm--Mom!"
The line goes dead.
I feel a hand cover my mouth and I am suddenly being taken away.
Try as I might screaming, no one can hear me.

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