Chapter 19

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Beatrice POV:

I wake up in my bed sneezing and coughing.

I quickly take a bath and change my clothes.

I sneeze and cough.

"Bea? You okay?" My dad asks me.

"Yea." I say.

"Let me take your temp."

"No! I'm fine! See!?"

"Alright. It's okay."

I walk to school with Caleb and sit down next Toby in the classroom.

I sneeze and cough constantly until Ms. Smith puts her hand on my forehead.

"Tris! You're burning up!" She exclaims.

"I'm fine."

"No we need to call your parents."

I begin crying.

"Please don't call my parents. I'm fine. I promise. Please." I beg.

"Tris. I promise you everything will be fine. Your parents will take good care of you."

Caleb runs towards me and talks to Ms. Smith.

The last thing I hear is,


I black out.

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