Chapter 10

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Beatrice POV: 

"Bea!" My brother calls.
"Yes?" I reply.
"Can you please help me?"
"Okay. Coming." 
I walk to his room. I see Zeke, Toby (in his soccer uniform), and Uri jumping on Caleb's bed and Caleb is sitting on the floor watching them. 
"What?" I say. 
"I need to you to....Why are you wearing your soccer uniform?" Caleb aks me.
"Oh mom didn't tell you, I have soccer practice with Toby."
"Wait...That means I have to entertain those things." 
"Yep. Come on Toby." 
Toby jumps off the bed and run after me, I laugh. 
My mom, Toby, and I walk to the fields.
Caleb POV: 

"We are your kings! Entertain us!" Zeke yells. 
"Dance fool! Dance!" Uriah yells.
I stand there.
"Off with his head!" Uriah yells and both of them jump on me.
"Oomph! Dad! Help!" I yell. 
*Snore Snore* Dad is always sleeping. 
They get off of me and run away. I run downstairs to find them but it's silent. Too silent. 
Then I am ambushed.
They have got me tied to a chair. 
"What should we do with him?" Zeke says.
"We should--" I cut Uriah off.
"You know I can hear you."
"Quiet peasant!" They yell.
"Now back to what I was saying, We should make him watch...Elmo!" Uriah says.
"No! I'll do anything but Elmo! Please!"  I plead.
"Okay. Make us...cereal."
They untie me and we walk to the kitchen.
"Which goes first? Cereal or Milk?" I ask.
"It doesn't matter...As long as you don't forget the bowl like last time." Zeke says.
The kitchen door opens, revealing Beatrice. Her jaw drops. 
"What happened?" She asks.
Zeke, Uriah, and I smile innocently. 
My mom walks in.
"Oh my goodness!" My mom exclaims. 
Beatrice snaps a picture on her camera. 
"That's going in the scrapbook." She says.
"Luke!" My mom yells. 
My dad comes down the stares yawning and he walks through the kitchen.
"Hey hon-- Yikes, what happened here?"
"Busted." Tobias and Beatrice say in unison. 

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