Chapter 22

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Beatrice POV:

I sit in my room, decorating my scrapbook.
I put the picture of me, Caleb, and Toby in last.
I close the book and begin decorating the cover of my book.
I hear a knock at my door.
"Come in." I say in a singsong voice.
"You're happy." Toby says.
"Hey Toby." I say.
"What are you doing, Bea?" He asks me.
"Just putting pictures in my scrapbook."
"Hm. You just love blue and purple, don't ya?"
"And Gray."
We laugh.
I grab his hand and run to the backyard.
I can't believe we're going to second grade soon!
"Let's practice." Toby says.
I bring out my soccer ball and pass it to Toby.
We keep going like this for an hour.
I hear a crash then Zeke and Uri come running towards us full speed.
They grab our hands and pull us inside.
We run to my closet hiding.
"So, why are we hiding?" I ask.
"Uriah and I were playing baseball and the ball went throw Mr. Carson's window." Zeke says.
I hear a knock at your door.
"Where are they?" Mr. Carson asks.
I hear footsteps and they stop in front of us.
"Who did it?" My mom asks.
No one speaks up.
"No TV, No treehouse, no ice cream--"
Tobias and I shove Zeke and Uri out the closet.
"Gee, thanks." Zeke and Uri say in unison and we smile at them.

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