Chapter 6

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Beatrice POV:

Today is Toby's birthday and his parents are throwing him a surprise birthday. He thinks they are in New York.  Yea....They are not. I put on my black jeggings, red high tops and plaid shirt. I skip to Zekey and Uri's house with Caleb.

"Hi Mrs. Pedrad."

"Hey Bea and Caleb. They are in the backyard."

"Thank you."

We run to the backyard and see Zekey, Toby, and Uri running.

I giggle.

"Hi Zekey, Uri, and Toby."

"Hi Bea." They say in unison.

I watch them as they tackle each other and Caleb joins. I stand there. Toby is very tall and strong.

Zekey and Uri stop and turn their attention to me, while Caleb and Toby continue to fight.

"Bea like--" They start but I jump on them.

They start laughing. I get off of them and brush myself off.

"Bea, Zeke, Caleb, Uri, come here please." Ms. Pedrad calls. We run over to her.

"It's about to start to start. So why don't Zeke, Uriah, and Caleb get going. Bea and I will bring the birthday boy."

They leave and we go back to Toby. Mrs. Pedrad puts a blindfold over his eyes.

"What the--Hey! Mrs. P!" He yells.

"Come on Toby." I hold his hand and drag him to his house.

"Where are we going?"



"Wear some."

"Where some what?"

"Wear some underwear."

We laugh, even Ms. Pedrad.

We open the door to his house and it's dark. I take off his blindfold.

"SURPRISE!" We yell.

He smiles then he sees his mom and dad. He hugs them then he hugs me, Zeke, and Uri. I laugh.

"Thank you! And what type of cake?"

"Dauntless Cake." I answer and he gets excited.

I giggle and we have fun.

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