Chapter 17

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Beatrice POV:

We've been in the treehouse for days. After school Caleb and I come and sit in here until bedtime. Where the noises are even worse. Yelling and screaming. We can barely sleep at night.
I cry myself to sleep most of the time and it's just so hard to see both your parents fighting.
Toby hasn't been coming to our house lately. I told him to stop because I just didn't want him to see our family like this.
This is the worst thing that can happen to me.
What if my parents leave us? What if they get a divorce?
They are always busy and we always have a babysitter. We've given up on all the pranks. We sit quietly in our treehouse in silent. We never say a word.
Caleb hugs me and I hug him. But other than that. Nothing.
Not a thing.
I'm just tried of all this fighting.
I want it to be over.
That's all I want.

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