Chapter 5-Day's POV

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I wake up to aches and a whole lot of pain. I find that my rib cage and ankle are bandaged up really hard. In fact so hard it adds pain to my body. I find Tess sleeping beside me. I don't want to wake her but i need to get up and go get some fresh air. So i try to get up but as soon as i do i fall on my ankle. I shriek loudly enough to wake Tess. When she see's me she shakes her head in disapproval and says,

'Day, if you wanted to get up you could have woken me up you know." I stare at her. I must have been staring at her for a long time because she gives me a weird look.

"Sorry. I didn't want to wake you. You seemed so peaceful sleeping," i say.

'That's a little funny coming from you. You have always made fun of the way i sleep since i met you. And for the record, i wasn't sleeping." I glare at her.

"So where are we?" i ask her.

"A little over thirty miles from you house, in an alleyway." she says. "Um... Day i visited John. He says that um... your mom has the plague." I stop her right there and stare at her. Then i say,

"So let me get this straight. Eden, the one that has been getting sick a lot, doesn't have the plague, but my healthy mom all of a sudden has the plague. What kind of crap is that!" Tess frowns at me then says,

"I don't know what is happening either, but just in case you should go visit John."

"I have one question?" i say. "Is my mom dead or alive?" Tess hesitates then says,

"John said she is alive. I think that is what the strange X means.  OH MY GOD!  Day remember we saw something about the president using plague victims as bio weapons to end the war. I think there're going to use your mom as a bio weapon." I look at her like she's crazy but then i realize that she might be right. My eyes start to get blurry and then i pass out. I wake up twelve hours later lying exactly where i was and with Tess hovering above my head. She helps me sit up right. Then she says in a quiet voice,

"Day, what happened in the hospital?' I take a deep breath and start talking. I start with me falling on that man. Then that young captain Metias yelling at him and me stealing one of their ID badges. I pull it out and show it to her. She studies it carefully and then says,

"Sergeant Tobias Johnson."  She gives it back to me and asks,

"Why do you need it? I mean you got into the docor's office without the ID badge right?"

"I don't know why i still have it, but i'm going to keep it just in case." I get back to my story. I tell her that when i get to the doctor's office that they have run out of plague cures.

"What did you do after that? How did you break your ankle and your ribs?" Tess asks.

"I'm getting to that. Jeez!, calm down. It's not like the first time i have broken bones," i say. Then i go on to say how i found myself surrounded by officers and that captain Metias was right behind me.

'Still didn't tell me how you broke your bones."  I ignore her and tell her that i fell five stories and Metias fell with me. She gasps like something hit her stomach. Then i tell her that Metias has me at gunpoint. Then i go on to tell her that i pulled a knife out and threw it at him and i bolted.

'Did it even hit him?" Tess asks.

'I think it did. I'm not sure. I threw it and i ran," i say.

'Well at least he kill you or found out that your Day-Country's most wanted criminal," Tess tell me.

'Oh, shut up," i fire back. She grins.

"We will leave tomorrow morning. We can sleep here tonight,' she says. I flash her a smile and i doze off.

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