Chapter 14- June's POV

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"Dude! You're hurting me!," i say.

"Sorry."  He loosens his grip on me.

"I have been meaning to ask,' i start to say. "What's your name?"  He hesitates then says,

"Daniel."  At that my eyes widen. As i open my mouth to say something i see him reach around his neck. Then it hits me.  Day's full name is Daniel and we have seen him with his pendant.

"Daniel huh."

"Yeah. What's your name?"

"June," i say. As soon as i say my name he lets me go and i fall to the ground hard.

"What the heck was that for," i say gritting my teeth.

'Why the hell are you here. Did the Republic send you,' he says angrily.

'Republic?," i say confused.

'Don't play dumb with me. You are June Iparis. The Republic's prodigy. Why didn't you tell me your name."  At this point i am mad.

'Well yeah. I am the Republic's Prodigy, but i don't see you telling me your Day, Republic's most wanted criminal."  He sucks in a breath and says,

"Why are you here?"  I hesitate and say,

'A few days ago, a hospital got attacked. The employees said a boy about my age, fifteen demanded plague cures. There weren't any so he ran. He ran straight into a solider's arms. The boy walked backward and jumped out of a window. The soldier jumped too. They were staring at each other. The boy threw a knife at the soldier and bolted. I knew you were that boy Day. The soldier is now in a coma. That soldier is Captain Metias Iparis, my brother."  Day stands there speechless.

'June, i had no idea he was your brother. Plus, i threw my knife at his leg. Someone else must have stabbed his heart. I promise you i never hit his heart," he says.  I stand there. Who would want Metias dead. Day's expression seems serious.

'Day. This is what i am going to do. Tomorrow night i will go look at Metias's wound. I am only trusting you because you never kill,' i say.  Day's expression softens then he grins.

"Well then let's go meet Sutter," he says.

'Help me up first," i say.  He bends down and puts his arm around my waist and he pulls me up. Sutter seems pretty cool. I can't wait to meet him.

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