Rejection Ch 1

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Marinette's Pov*

"Ugghhhh... What time is it?" I pick up my phone. "8:47?! I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I grab tikki, throw on some clothes and run to school.

"S-Sorry I'm late." I say as I stumble through the door. "No problem, take your seat." She says. I walk over and Alya smirks at me. "What happened girl?" She asks. "Slept in." I say. She giggles. "I thought you would be early today, considering today was the day you confess to... him." She says. I blush. "I know, remember the scarf I made him?" She nods. "Well, I made him a matching hat!" I exclaim. She smiles.


'The bell right on time.' I run to catch up to Adrien. "H-Hey Adrien." I said. "Oh, hey Marinette, what's wrong?" He asks concerned. 'Aw, he's so sweet.' "I-I have t-to tell you s-something..." I say as I hand him the hat, it's wrapped up, I wanted him to enjoy opening it. I give him the gift.

"I-I... I-I... I love you Adrien Agreste..." I say slowly. He looks at me, he looks shocked. His face turns into a frown. "No, I can't accept your feelings." He says harshly. "W-What." I say. He sighs, "Sorry Marinette, but I love someone else." He says, he didn't even look at me. All I feel is anger and sorrow. "Let me guess, Ladybug right?" I say blankly. He still doesn't look at me. I sigh, holding back tears, well, trying. "I-I hope you get wh-what you're looking for...I mean, Ladybug is much better than plain old Marinette right? I'm so stupid..." I sob. He then looks at me. "Marinette I-" I cut him off. "Goodbye Adrien..." I run off, not looking back.

Adrien's Pov When Marinette confessed*

"I-I... I-I... I love you Adrien Agreste..." She said. 'Marinette likes, no, loves me? Maybe that's why she acted so nervous.' I frown,"No, I can't accept your feelings." I say a bit more sternly than I meant to. "W-What?" She chokes out."Sorry Marinette, but I love someone else." I say, I can't look at her, she's the nicest girl I've ever met, and I... rejected her. "Let me guess, Ladybug right?" She said blankly. I can't look at her, I feel so... guilty. "I-I hope you get wh-what you're looking for...I mean, Ladybug is much better than plain old Marinette right? I'm so stupid..." She sobs. 'I made my princess cry... why did she say those things about herself?' "Marinette I-" I try to apologize but she cuts me off. "Goodbye Adrien..." with that she ran off.

As I'm riding home, I look at the gift Marinette gave me. I open it and almost yell. It's- it looks almost like my scarf. Of course... I should've known... Marinette made this scarf. My dad never gets me anything. Marinette is way to sweet, "Why didn't she tell me?" I ask aloud.

"Because she saw you happy, thinking it was from your father." A certain cat-like kwami said. "Plagg!" I yell. "You know I'm right." He says. I sigh. 'I'm going to apologize to her, but how? I need to see her... I'll go as Chat!' I thought. As soon as I get in my room, I transform and head to Marinette's house.

No one's Pov* aka me*

As Marinette sat in her room crying, her kwami, Tikki, was comforting her, a certain cat was on his way to see his princess.

Marinette then heard a slight tap on the window as Tikki hid. "Princess?" Chat said.

Marinette's Pov*

"Princess?" As soon as I heard the nickname, I wiped my eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice. "H-Hey kitty, what are you doing here?" I ask, unfortunately for me, my voice cracked. Chat came up to me and pulled me into a tight hug, and that's when I couldn't hold in my tears, I cried and cried in his arms for what seemed like hours.

"What happened princess?" He asks. I smile sarcasticly,"Nothing, it's just that the love of my life rejected me today... I know he said he loved someone else... but I can't help but doubt that, did he think I just wanted him for fame, or money? Maybe he thought I wasn't good enough, after all, I'm just plain Marinette." As I was saying this, I caught a look of guilt flash through Chat's eyes.

"Princess... Don't say that... but did you want him for fame or money?" I look at him like he just shit on himself and said,"Of course not! I loved him because he was sweet, kind, funny, and I know that he always put a smile on, despite what he dealt with at home... h-he was purr-fect... or at least that's what I thought..." I gave a weak smile to Chat, tears streaming down my face. Chat hugs me tighter, and eventually rocks me to sleep in his arms.

"Please stay Chat, just this once." I say. I could see the blush creep its way on his cheeks. "No need to blush, I don't bite." I say, this makes him blush even more. I snuggle up to him, and fall asleep.

Chat' s Pov when this he came to Mari's house*

"Princess?" As soon as she heard me, she wiped her eyes, hoping I wouldn't notice. "H-Hey kitty, what are you doing here?" She asks as her cracks. I walked over to her and pulled her in her a hug. She then started to cry. She cried for a good 30 minutes.

"What happened princess?" I ask as if I didn't know. She smiles sarcasticly,"Nothing, it's just that the love of my life rejected me today... I know he said he loved someone else... but I can't help but doubt that, did he think I just wanted him for fame, or money? Maybe he thought I wasn't good enough, after all, I'm just plain Marinette." She thinks that? Did she want me for money?

"Princess... Don't say that... but did you want him for fame or money?" I ask, she looks at me like a thorn that just poked her. "Of course not! I loved him because he was sweet, kind, funny, and I know that he always put a smile on, despite what he dealt with at home... h-he was purr-fect... or at least that's what I thought..." She gave me a weak smile, tears streaming down her face. I hug her tighter, and eventually rock her to sleep in my arms. I can't help but think...'My princess made a pun!'

"Please stay Chat, just this once." She said. I couldn't help but blush. "No need to blush, I don't bite." She said, this makes me blush even more. She snuggled up to me, and fell asleep. 'Oh Marinette... What have I done?' I then close my eyes and snuggled up to Mari, I kissed her head, and drifted off to sleep.

This chapter was 1098 words not counting these, I hope you enjoyed, what will happen next? Will Marinette stay or go in the next chapter? Will Alya kick Adrien's butt? 😂😂😂 Sorry.  Hope you continue to read, "Broken by Love"   SPECIAL SHOUTOUT! Go follow her at missbugabooty she was the one to inspire me to start makingthis story, her story helped me come out of my shell. Make sure to check out her storys! Have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you! Bye!!!♡♡♡

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