Jealousy Ch 4

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Marinette's Pov*

I wake up at 5:30 and get ready for school. I made sure to put some cookies in my bag for Tikki and got all of my school work ready. I put on some shorts and put on a gray crop top with some black converse and head to school.


I see Nino and Alya sitting on a bench and when I was about to go over there, I was pinned on a locker. "Listen here you little bitch." A whiny voice said. I look at her and as soon as I did I saw a whole cake of make-up and I knew it was Chloe...ugh. "You are going to stay away from Adrien or you will regret it." She says as I see people start to gather. I grab her hand and twist her arm on her back. "It's funny that you called me a bitch, because you're the one that puts on a whole 5 pounds of make-up every day and throws herself at guys." I hiss as she looks at me with fear. "Oh, and if you EVER threaten me again... you won't like what happens." I say as I tighten my grip on her arm. "Got it?" "Yes! Yes! I'm sorry! Now can you please let my arm go!" She crys. I let her go and she falls to the ground. "Pathetic." I spit.


At lunch I get congrats on standing up to Chloe. I'm talking with Alya and Nino when Adrien walks up to me. "Marinette, can I talk to you?" He asks. This should be good. "Sure."

We sit on a bench outside of school and he looks at me, "Did you have to do that to Chloe?" He asks. I send daggers his way with my eyes. "Oh, so now you want to play hero." I say. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"Before I left, Chloe bullied, threatened, and made my life a living hell, and you never did anything but sit and watch it happen, but when I finally stick up for myself, you want to play hero for her." I spit. "I-I miss the old you Marinette..." he says as he looks down. I fake smile and lift his head up by his chin. I then start to lean in, he starts to blush like crazy, as soon as our lips were about to connect, I swerve my head and whispered in his ear, "That Marinette is dead." I say as I walk away.

Adrien's Pov*

"I-I miss the old you Marinette." I say as I look down at my feet, I see Mari smiles as she lifted my head up. She starts to lean in and I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest. Just as our lips were about to meet, she then swerved and whispered in my ear, "That Marinette is dead." She then walks off.

Holy shit... what the hell just happened? Marinette was about to kiss me... and I didn't even try to stop her! I gotta get to class...


As soon as everyone else in the class was seated, Ms. Bustier gets everyone's attention. "Class, I would like for you to welcome....." (who do you think it is?)

"Elias" Elias then scans the room until his eyes stop at Mari. I growl. She looks back at him with this twinkle in her eyes. Grrrrr.... Ms. Bustier then introduced him and told him to pick a seat. Why did Alya have to sit with Nino today?! So then Elias sits with Marinette and they started to talk and laugh. I haven't heard Mari laugh in forever, well at least not a real laugh.


At the end of the day, I see Marinette still hanging out with that Elias guy. I'm fuming when Nino walks up to me," Yo, Dude! I can feel your jealously from here! Chill!" He says, I growl and decide to walk home so I can visit Mari.

Marinette's Pov*

I have been hanging out with Elias and he's great. I also knew him during my childhood and he is so... adorable! He's so cute, he loves animals, likes to do art, he's funny, and he's just... well, perfect. I say my goodbyes to Elias and Alya rushes over to me,"O-M-G GIRL WHAT WAS THAT?!" She asks. "Nothing." "You can date him to make Adrien jealous!" She says. "NO!" I say imedeitly. "But, I wouldn't mind dating Elias..." I whisper. She squeals. "It's not that big of a deal Alya." I say, then I smirk, "Say, I saw you and Nino flirting this morning, are you two going to be a thing soon?" I ask her. "I-I-I don't k-know what you m-mean M-Mari..." She laughs nervously. "Suuurrrrreeeee you don't." I say goodbye to her and walk home.


I walk in my room to find none other than Chat in my room. "Oh, hey Chat..." I say. He looks at me and frowns. "What's wrong?" I ask as I held his soft cheek with my right hand. I feel his face heat up as he pulls away. I giggle. "Princess... who was that guy you were with today?" He asks me. I stare at him in shock at first before I smirk, "Why do you want to know kitty? Oh my gosh!" I pause to look up at him with a dramatic expression, "is the famous Chat Noir jealous?!" I laugh. I can barely control my laughter. "W-Who was he?" I hear him ask again. "Oh, you're serious." He nods. "I want to talk to yoy about something before I tell you that." I say slowly. He leans forward to show he is paying attention. "I-I need your advice..." I start off, "There is this boy at my school starting to show intrest in me after all these years and, I liked him in the past but... I don't want to get hurt again Chat, my heart can only take so much..." Chat hugs me.

Chat Noir's Pov*

I hug her, who was she talking about? Is it me? I have known her for about two and a half years... or is she talking about that Elias guy? Grrrrr...

Marinette looks up at me and I nudge her to tell her to keep going. "That boy you saw today is the same boy that is starting to take intrest in me... his name is Elias." She says, my blood is boiling. I decide to change the subject. I then notice her necklace, a ladybug pattern with a silver 'L' on it.

"Where did you get this?" I ask her, her expression changes from sad, to angry and sad. "Yoy don't have to talk about it." I say. She gives me a weak smile,"It's fine... I-I... I trust you Chat..." I perk my ears up as my heart flutters. "I got this from my friend in America named Leela..." I see tears start to form in her eyes, "she was so nice, and even more shy than I used to be." She smiles, "Really? She must've been REALLY shy then." I chuckle. "Yeah, but she was rich, and her mom did bad things, and in the end, Leela ended up dead..." I see tears falling from her eyes, "She didn't deserve it Chat! Her life was so messed up, but she always had a bright smile for everyone! SHE DIDN'T DERSERVE IT!!!" she sobs. I pull her close and wipe her tears. "I still have a picture of her... she always smiled... she even smiled at ne when she... d-died..." she choked out. I study the picture, she seemed like the laid back type. She had on a smile with an expression that looked like she often laughed.

"My friend took this picture, she always liked to play with my phone...haha..." she says. The girl looked like someone I knew... I just brushed it off. I was suprised about what Marinette had told me, how did she cope with all of this? Losing a friend she had a special place in heart heart, I can tell Leela was like a sister. I spent the rest of the night comforting her before I had to go home. I couldn't help but think, 'She likes Elias?'

This chapter was 1395 words not counting these, thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day and remember to keep a smile with you! Bye!!! ♡♡♡

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