I HATE YOU!!! Ch 9

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Marinette's Pov*

" I-I choose A..."

I smile as I let her go. Chloe looks around the room and then at me. "I want to be good... but only if the old Marinette comes back as well..." she says. I frown. "If you can prove that you can be nice, then I will consider it." I mentally roll my eyes. She smiles and looks around the room to see smiling faces.

I sigh and walk out of the room. I have had enough of school already, who really cares if I skip anyway?

As I am walking home, I see Adrien run into an alleyway. I follow him in the alleyway to see him transforming... into... Chat... Noir...

Welp, can't say I didn't see that coming. I mean COME ON. Same hair and eye color. I always had a feeling they were connected somehow. I just realized something. HE'S HEADING TO MY HOUSE! I NEED TO GET THERE NOW!!!

I sprint as fast as my legs can carry me and climb my balcony, zip into my room to plop on my bed. As soon as I plop on my bed, there is a thump on my balcony and then a tap on my window.

I open it to see Chat- well Adrien. I still love Adrien... but he hurt me.

He comes in and smiles at me and trys to kiss me but I push him away before he can. He frowns and looks at me. I scowl at him.

"Hello Adrien." I spit. He jumps back and looks horrified and hurt. "H-How?" he says. "I saw you transform, plus it's oblivious." I say. "I-I'm so sorry Marinette..." he sobs. His rings beeps and he de-transforms. It pains me to see him like this but I need to be strong.

"I just need time. You hurt me and then didn't tell me that you were Chat Noir." I spat. "Now get. Out." I say. He turns to look at me and rushes up to me and kisses me I melt into it after a while and pretty soon it is an all out lip-lock until he pulls away. "I needed to do that... because I don't know if I will be able to do it again..." he is about to leave before I pull him back and kiss him.

I put all of my emotions into that kiss. Anger, lust, love, sadness, and heartbreak. He returns it with the same fire I put in it. We start to walk towards the bed and start pulling each other's clothes off. I love him. I love him more than life itself. I want all of him. For me and me only. ( Me: Yandere-Chan has been reborn😂😂😂) As we fall on the bed, Adrien looks up at me. "A-Are y-you s-s-sure?" he stutters out. I chuckle. "Are YOU sure?" i ask. "Y-Yes." I can tell that he is nervous, I am too. I've never... done this... before.

***Ok... if you want to skip this then skip, but if you read it then try not to cringe because I have never written a part like this because well... I am... a chicken nugget.***

Third person Pov*

Adrien kisses Mari as she flips them over. Adrien stays on top of Marinette as she kisses his neck. He grunts. "Mari... are you ready?" he asks. "Y-Yes..." he slowly goes in as Marinette squeezes her eyes closed tightly. "A-Adrien... it hurts..." she says. "It will feel good soon princess..." he thrusts slow but hard, causing Marinette to scream. "ADRIEN!" she whimpers. "Shhhhh..." he says. He then goes faster. "Ahhh! G-Go faster..." Marinette screams. He goes harder and faster until Marinette cums, causes Adrien to cum too. He throws his head back and then moans. Marinette pulls him down to lay with her and kisses him. "I love you Marinette." Adrien says. "I-I.... I love you too..." Adrien smiles and kisses her passionately.

***Ok it is done and sorry for it being so cringey. I cringed while writing it. Sorry for the cringe.***

The next day
Marinette's Pov*

I wake up to see Adrien staring down at me. I smile and kiss him on the head. "We need to get ready for school." I say. "It is 6:30, I think we have some time." he says. I roll my eyes and get up to go take a shower.

After I get out I go in the room to grab my clothes and change. Adrien kisses me on the cheek before going to take a shower.

Time skip*

We arrive at school hand in hand as people file in the courtyard. I see Lila walking up towards us. "Hey, can I speak to Adrien in private?" she asks. "Sure. See you in class." I say.

Ok. It has been ten minutes and Adrien and Lila aren't back. I am going to see if they are alright.

I walk to where I last saw them to see them kissing. I run up and pull them apart and smack Adrien. "WHAT THE HELL?! I GIVE YOU ANOTHER CHANCE AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GIVE ME?! I HATE YOU!!!" I scream. I'm so mad right now I can't hear anything. My vision starts to go red and all I can see are two figures. Adrien and Lila. I punch Lila in the face, knocking her out before she can react. I turn to look at Adrien who is saying something but I can't hear. I stop to listen to what he has to say. This should be good.

"Marinette, what you saw meant nothing. She kissed me. I-" "SHUT UP! YOU WERE KISSING HER BACK! I AM NOT BLIND ADRIEN! WHAT EVER WE HAD IS GONE!" I walk away before I turn around. "As both you and Chat Noir." I spit. He looks up at me with teary eyes. Good. He will feel my pain.

I run into an alleyway and bawl my eyes out. Why do I love him? Why? I wish I could stop.

The next day*

I come to school to see people whispering and looking at me. I catch a few of them and almost sob and kick some people's asses. "Yeah. I heard Marinette cheated on Adrien so now he's going out with Lila." My blood boils. I just keep on walking. I see Alya and she runs up to me. "Girl I saw what happened yesterday. I'm sp sorry, I didn't know Adrien was like that. I give her a weak smile.

Throughout the day I get insults like 'slut' or 'bitch' when most of them have fucked so many guys they should have aids. They also wear 10 pounds of make-up.

I run home. If I said those insults didn't bother me then I would be lying.

I hate you Adrien Agreste. Why do I love you?

This was 1161 words not counting these and I hope you enjoyed. I hope you have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you!!!❤❤❤

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