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Ladybug's Pov*

I look over at the now leather-covered boy and gesture him to move with me quietly. We walk up behind Hawkmoth and stop when he starts talking. "Is she dead yet? If she isn't by now, you're fired without pay." Hawkmoth said. I heard nervous mumbles on the other end of the phone conversation. "Her whole house was ran-sacked. Her mom should've gotten the message even if she isn't dead yet." Hawkmoth spoke again. "Well I guess it doesn't matter anymore, the information I needed from Leela doesn't matter. I already have information on Ladybug after I akumatized her. Guess she didn't need to die after all. Was there any witnesses?" Hawkmoth asked. There was a pause before quick but calm murmurs came from the other line. Hawkmoth looked surprised, "The baker's daughter? She ran out of the house? Ok, yeah, I got it. She should've came to me, I still need more information on my wife. Find her." Hawkmoth hung up.

What was he talking about? Who's Leela? I feel the boy beside me stiffen at the mention of her name. I look over to him, "Who's Leela?" I ask. He gives me a look of sadness before hugging me. I felt his warmth and started to remember more moments like this. We- Chat and I are partners... Alya, Nino, Chloe...everyone... "Adrien?" I ask. He looks up at me and smiles sadly. One thing still picked at the back of my head. "Who's Leela?" I ask again. He gestures towards my neck, "Look at your necklace." I looked down and gasped. I remember laughs, and blood. Lots of blood. I look up at Hawkmoth in rage. He turns around and smirks. "Another victim of my akumas to feed upon." he said. "Not this time, Gabriel." I say. I lunge at him and tackle him down to the floor. "Why? Why'd you do it?!" I yell. He smirks, "You're really stupid, you know? I needed information on you. If I knew your identity, I could your miraculouses and find my wife." I was so angry, I blacked out. It was dark.

I saw a girl who looked like me but... evil staring at me with a horrifying smile. "Kill him. Put an end to akumas. Avenge your friend's demise. Let your anger and hate rise!"

Adrien's Pov*

I watched in horror as Marinette's suit turned back into that dark black with blood red spots on it. Her eyes drained of their blue color of life turned in an empty, gray and red hollowed out evil. "DO IT! KILL HIM!" DevilBug yelled out. Her rasp, gravelly voice sending shivers down my spine. Half of Marinette returned and she was now fighting herself. "I won't do it! And you can't make me!" Mari yelled back. "I'll just take over then, if you won't do it, I will." Marinette fell to the floor as her suit went back to normal. I sighed in relief and she stood up with a weak smile. She then screamed and dropped to her knees while holding her head. She screamed in agony and it was one of the most heartbreaking sounds I have ever heard in my life. I ran up to her and she screamed even louder, "GET BACK!" That evil voice came out of her.

Ladybug's Pov*

I tried to stand up to run away, but where could I possibly go? She was in my head, tearing apart the fabrics of my mind like paper. I looked over at Adrien who was in tears, trying to find a way to help. I looked over at Hawkmoth who was passed out and noticed a glazed over watch. I realized what it was. An akuma was inside the watch. "ADRIEN! BREAK HIS WATCH!" I yelled desparately. "What-" "DO IT!" he ran over and stomped on the watch with his foot. DevilBug screamed in anger and pain. She started to fade in the back of my mind.

I stood up shakily and captured the akuma, putting everything back to normal. Hawkmoth's transformation ended and his kwami zipped out. Adrien started to question the kwami, asking what happened. NooRoo explained how an akuma didn't work out as planned and akumatized Hawkmoth instead. It made him more sinister. NooRoo had explained how it happened and zipped off to Master Fu to give back the miraculous. I soon passed out after NooRoo left.

i woke up and everyone was there next to me. My class, teacher, parents, and partners. We all hugged and people were apologizing for petty behavior which I dismissed and forgave them for. Pretty soon, it was just Adrien and I in the room. "I'm so sorry M'Lady." he said as he held my hand. "It's fine, Chaton. I still love you, even if you're an idiot." I say while holding his cheek. He smiles and kisses my hand.

Pretty soon, everything was normal. Well, not normal. I don't think it will ever go back to normal. But surprisingly, I'm fine with that.

The only thing that scares me is the fact I can still feel DevilBug in the back of my mind. Waiting for me to snap, but she's my secret for now.

864 words.

Ok! That is the end of Broken by Love! Thank all of you so much for all the support, I love you all! <3 I'm sad this book is ending but I enjoyed this journey I've had with it.

Hope you have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you!!! <3<3<3



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