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Adrien's POV*

I'm standing there looking at him like he had two heads. "How I'm I going to do that? Who am I supposed to even give them too?! " I ask frantically. He just smiled, "You only have to give out two, I trust your judgement, Adrien. " He said to me while walking towards the door. "Where are you going? " I ask.

"To hand out my miraculous. "

So now I'm jumping around buildings looking for the right people to give a miraculous. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Alya helping carry this old woman's grocery shopping across the street. "Hm... she's sneaky like a fox, like on her Ladyblog, she always gets the battles, sometimes, I don't know how she does it. She's also quick in her feet, and also cares about others. Bingo. " I say as I pull my signature smirk.

I watch until she gets alone(you sneaky little cinnamon roll) and jump down to her. She turns and smiles brightly. " OHMYGODITISCHATNOIRICAN'TBELIEVEITDOYOUHAVETIMEFORANINTERVIEW?! " She said while practically shouting in a fast manner. "No, I actually need your help. Marinette has been akumatized.  " I say as I pull out the fox miraculous. She looks at the box before opening and jumped back when an orange beam of light came out. "Ah, what a nice nap! How long was I in that thing? " The kwami asked.  I just shrugged.

"Name's Trixx! Guess I'm your new kwami!" Trixx said. Alya smiled before looking at me with confusion. "Can't Ladybug help?" She asked. I shake my head, "Ladybug is Marinette, that's why I need your help." She nods, "I'll do it! " she says while looking at Trixx. "Meet me at the efflie tower when you're ready." I say before jumping off.

The bee miraculous... hmmm..."Where should I-" "CHAT NOIR!" I hear a scream and almost fall. "Sorry!" I look down to see Chloe. "Do you know where Mari is? I wanted to apologize to her." She said while holding out designing materials. "It isn't much, but I wanted to give this to her." I nod, another one. "You can help me, we need to get Mari back."

I explain the situation as the kwami named Pollen pops out. "Meet us at the efflie tower. "

While jumping to the efflie tower, I see a green figure jumping behind me. 'Whoa, is that Fu? But he said he was giving his miraculous away, so who is that?'

I land on the roof and wait for the green figure to land, only to have him crash into me. "Whoa, sorry dude, this is kinda tricky." He says while helping me up. "Name is ninooooooo-one? Yep, no one, I mean, no-wait, I'm the turtle dude?" He says. I laugh, "Seems like Fu chose well, hey Nino." I say. "Do you know me?" He asks. "How could I not recognize my best friend?" (But you can't recognize the love of your life.) "Adrien?" Nino asks. "In the flesh, well, leather."

After him basically fanboying over how his best friend was Chat Noir, he then scolded me for not telling him. That's when Alya and Chloe showed up. "De-transform everyone." I say. "But-" Alya starts, I cut her off. "Trust me." I say with a smile. We all went back to our civilian forms and a few gasps were heard.

They were happy with their partners. Well, Alya was pissed at me. "So help me, Agreste I will shove my flut down your throat!" She says as Nino holds her back. "I know all the hurt I've caused, and I'm truly sorry for that. I don't matter right now, we need to save Marinette." I say. Alya sighs, "Fine, but I'm kicking your ass after." She huffs.

We all transform and head to where the explosion came from. "This is going to take all of us, so we need to work together." I say. They nod and we all jump up on the building Marinette was currently destroying. Well, it wasn't Marinette, it was Devilbug.

I studied Devilbug's movements, they were similar to Marinette's expect more violent. She was obviously running out of energy. She saw us and screamed, "DEVIL CHARM" which gave her a large sword. Everyone jumped back as she brought the sword down making the building crumble. "Well, guess we better get to work, dudes." Nino said. I nod, "Can you trap her in your shell?" I asked. Nino nodded, "She'll be in it until my miraculous runs out, why?" "If her powers run out, we can take the akuma out so Marinette can get rid of it." I say. Everyone nodded.

Alya and Chloe were distracting Marinette with Alya's illusions and Chloe's consistent buzzing. I told Nino the plan and went to go help Alya and Chloe.

'We're all counting on you, Nino.' I thought to myself.

Nino's Pov*

Geez..."No pressure" my ass. I pull out my shell and expand it so it would be big enough to trap Devilbug. The shell was see-through and I made sure Devilbug was distracted before trapping her in the shell.

"Dammit! Fucking ninja turtle!" Devilbug screamed at me. "Hey! Ninja turtles are awesome!" I said. I saw Adrien laugh while Alya just smiled and shook her head. Chloe rolled her eyes but I knew she wanted to laugh.

"Let me out of here you fuckers!" Devilbug screamed while pounding on the shell. "This is a PG environment princess, and to get out, you have to give Marinette back." I saw a sinister grin creep its' way onto Marinette's face, it made me cringe. That expression was so unnatural on her. "Fine, but I still win." Devilbug said before the empty blood red color in her eyes drifted away. We saw Marinette come back.

Adrien's Pov*

The color in her skin came back, her lips returned to a rosy pink, and her eyes were back blue. Except, something was...different. Marinette looks so tired, her eyes grew dull as she stood up. She ripped off her necklace and de-evilized the akuma.

Once she finished, Alya ran up and hugged her. Marinette looked annoyed while raising an eyebrow at her. "Do I know you?" Mari said. Alya detransformed, "It's me, Alya." Alya said while smiling. "Like I said, do I know you?" Mari said. Everyone was shocked. "Marinette, what do you remember?" Chloe asked. "What are you talking about? My name is Ladybug. I don't know you, I'm just doing my job."

1081 words

Why hello there.😋

So sorry for not updating in...well, forever.

Shout out to Lifesimmer687 and JackyFlores6 you two helped me continue writing, thank you so much💖💖💖

Have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you!!!❤❤❤



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