Loving you is suicide Ch10

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Marinette's Pov*

(This talks about self-harm and suicide so if this triggers you in anyway feel free to skip this chapter because I would hate to bring up some type of trauma.)

Is this my punishment? Is this some sort of sick game? Did I commit a sin so great that this is the consequence? What did I do?


I yell out. Pain, anger, sadness, heartbreak, and self-hate. This has been my emotions for the last 3 months. Three. Fucking. Months. I am currently in the woods, the only place I can vent out my emotions without being called weak or worrying Alya, Nino, or Elias.

I walk back to my house to see my parents weren't home, as usual nowadays. Tikki has been trying to help me through this, and I thank her for that but it can't stop all of the feelings swirling inside of me.

Next day at school

I walk in to see Elias arguing with... Adrien? It was class time so no one was really out here except for me, Alya, Nino, Elias, and Adrien.

"CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO HER?! SHE DOESN'T EVEN SMILE OR LAUGH! DAMMIT ADRIEN! I just want my cupcake back... I want Marinette b-back..." his voice cracks. My heart feels like it is being stabbed. I have upset my friends, crying over someone who doesn't give a damn. I walk over to Elias and hug him while he looks at me with teary eyes.

"Marinette. I need to speak with you...please." Adrien says. I glare at him before nodding and shooing everyone else off.

"What..." I whisper. He looks at me before kissing me. I instantly push him off of me.


I look at him and laugh humorlessly. "Really Adrien? Is this some sick joke to you? I have been bullied ever since you and that bitch started going out. Watching you kiss and laugh with her while I was breaking! Do you know how many times I have thought of ending it all-" I stop myself as he looks at me with shock and sadness. He doesn't deserve to know what I do.

I shake my head with tears pouring down my cheeks and run. I need to get away. Away from all of this. I promised myself I wouldn't let myself go through this again and look what happened.

I run in an alleyway and transform in Ladybug after checking my surroundings and go to the efflie tower. Not a minute later does Chat pop up next to me.

"H-Hi Ladybug..." he says. I can see his tears but I don't care. "So I'm guessing you and Marinette didn't work out Chat, or should I say Adrien?" he looks at me and crys some more.

" I want Marinette back. I can't have you hating me too. PLEASE!" he begs.

"I need to go...and I don't hate you, Marinette doesn't either but she's hurt Chat. She's not herself anymore." I say with tears.

I flop on my bed and cry. I look around for something. Anything that will help me. I see a razor on the bathroom sink and take it in my hands and cut my arms, leaving long marks going up my arms. With red liquid pouring down my arms I feel somewhat relieved. I have been doing this for 2 months now.

I decide to go to the efflie tower for some fresh air. On the way there I decide to listen to some music and the first song that pops up is Loving you is suicide by Rihanna. This seriously expresses my "love life" right now...

I reach the top of the efflie tower and just think:"what if I ended it right here?" I look over the edge and lean over. It is a long fall. Just as I am about to fall over the railing someone starts talking to me.

"DevilBug... I know how much you're hurting... but instead of ending it you can be rid of your pain and suffering and inflict it upon others... all I need are LadyBug and Chat Noir's miraculouses... so what what do you say?"

I'm so sorry Chat...but I can't take it...

"Yes Hawkmoth..."

Thanks for reading! 731 words and I am so sorry it is short! Also! Thank you for all the support!😄😄😄 Hope you have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you!!!❤❤❤

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