Mine Ch 7

852 17 5

Marinette's Pov*

I wake up at 6:30. School doesn't start until 8:45, so I have some time. "So, you and Chat Noir huh?" Tikki says behind me. "O-Oh, yeah..." I nervously scratch the back of my neck, Tikki then lets out a tiny giggle. I laugh and go to start working on a design.

After a while, I had finished making it, it was a Chat Noir themed outfit, I also made a Chat Noir onesie. You always see people wearing Ladybug themed outfits, but, you never see Chat Noir outfits. Someone should boost up my kitty's reputation, even though his ego is huge. I laugh to myself as I put on the outfit.

It was a black crop top with a cat face drawn out with a green outline. There was also some green shorts to go with. (Dark green.)

To go with the outfit I put on a bracelet that had a bell on it. I wore the necklace that Leela got me. I found some black flats and put them on. I made a black hat with some cat ears, the hat was a beanie but I put a Chat Noir theme on it. I also wore my hair down. I crafted a cat into one of my black and green back packs.

After getting dressed, I start to walk to school. I see Alya and Nino flirting at the entrance. "Why can't you two just hook up already?" I say as I smirk. "MARINETTE!" they say at the same time. I chuckle. "Wait Mari... YOY LOOK FABULOUS!" Alya screams. "Did you make it?" Nino asks. "Yeah." I say. "Cool." Nino says.

As I walk into the building I see Lila. "Hey Lila." I say. "Marinette! You look amazing!" She gushes. "You too!" I say. Lila and I talk until she had to go to her class. I see Elias and wave him over. "Hey sis." He says. "Hey bro." I say as I ruffle his hair. He laughs and wraps his arms around me. His chest on my back. I laugh as he rocks me back and forth.

"You getting sleepy yet cupcake?" He says while laughing. "No you goof!" I say. "Stop treated me like a baby!" I squeal. "Fine, but stop calling me pea-brain!" He says. "Then stop acting like one!" We laugh until we can't breathe anymore. Elias grabs my hand and picks me up. "Love you cupcake." He says. "Love you too pea-brain."

Chat Noir's Pov*

"Love you cupcake." Elias said. What?! Grrrrrr... "Love you too pea-brain." Mari says. What? I feel myself tear up. I jump down and grab Marinette. "So you love him?" She looks at me with a disappointed expression.

"Chat, I told you that he was like a brother to me... don't you trust me?" She says. I look at Elias and he looks sad. "I didn't mean to cause trouble for you two, I will see you later sis." He says. I look down at Marinette who is almost in tears. "Princess I-" "Do you really think I would do that to someone I love?" She says.

"I-I know what it feels like to have a broken heart. Do you really think I would do that to you when I know how it feels?" She looks up at me as tears are about to fall. I wipe them away before they can fall. "Of course I trust you, I just don't trust other guys." I say. She laughs.

I move her hair and kiss her. She tensed but kissed back. I pull away and then notice her outfit. "You look purrfect purrincess." I say. "Your puns are still annoying you know." I laugh. "Meouch! You wound me so princess!" I say dramaticly. She laughs and pecks my cheek.

"That should help." she whispered in my ear as she breathed down my neck. I shiver and then blush. "I-It h-helped." I say. Why did I stutter? Of all the times! Marinette giggles. "Nervous are we?" She says. I blush again. "I-I gotta go princess! See you later!" I say as I go to an alleyway to detransform.

I walk into school and see Elias. "Hey Elias! What's up?" I say. "Yy might want to get your jealously under control Chat Noir." He says. "H-How?" I ask shocked. "Come down man, I won't tell anyone, but you might want to fix things with Mari as Adrien, and then tell her who you are." He says. "How did you find out?" I ask. "Please it is as obivious as Marinette beinggggggg a baker...?" He says. "Guess you're right." I say. "Yeah, see ya man." He says. He's not so bad.

Elias' Pov*

Adrien being Chat Noir was obvious. Same hair, eyes, goes to the bathroom or photoshoot when an akuma comes, plus he is always giving boys death glares if they talk to Marinette. With Marinette, it's the same thing, same hair and eyes. She also has to use the bathroom or go help her parents at the bakery.

After the talk with Adrien I go to class and see him talking with Marinette. "Can we be friends again?" He asks. She scowls at him and shakes her head. "No." Wow. That scared me. Note to self: Never get on Marinette's bad side. "I'm sorry I rejected you! That was like two years ago!" he said. "I can understand you didn't like me like that, but you just brushed me aside like I was nothing!" she screams. I see tears in her eyes, I was about to go over there but Adrien wrapped her in a hug. Marinette tried to fight him off but then gave into the hug. "I'm sorry Mari." he says. "I-It's fine...." she says. There's my sweet Marinette shining through. He smiles, "Thank you Marinette! THANK YOU!" he says as he kisses her head. She blushed and he just cheered like a kid who got a huge chocolate candy bar. I can't help but laugh.

Adrien turns his head and looks at Marinette who is blushing. He looks confused. I walk over and whisper, "You kisses her head." his eyes go wide and he runs over Marinette. "Sorry Mari." he said. "It's ok, just don't do it again. I have a boyfriend."

Adrien's Pov*

"Sorry Mari." I say as I blush. It's ok, just don't do it again. I have a boyfriend." she says. I hear some of they guys groan. Her words stung but made me smile. She doesn't really like me as a civilian, but I know that she is faithful. I smile. "Of course." I say. She smiles at me with the smile that I missed as Adrien.

After class Marinette walks by. "B-Bye M-Mari!" I stutter out. "See ya around Adrien." she says as she walks out. I sigh. "I've got it bad..." I hear someone snicker. "I knew it!" I hear someone say. I turn around to see... nobody? "Who are you? Where are you?" I hear them laugh. "I will give you a hint..." they pause...


This chapter was 1190 words not counting these. So, who do you think it is? I made it so you would have a good laugh.I hope that you like the story, sorry that it is late, I will try to update tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you!!!❤❤❤

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