I love you Ch 11

639 19 1

Marinette's Pov*

Where am I? What's happening? Why can't I see anything?

"Hello DevilBug, glad you have joined my fight, now go! And get LadyBug and Chat Noir's miraculouses!"

Is that Hawkmoth? Oh no... Chat! No no no! This can't be happening! Why did I agree?! I'm so stupid!

"Of course Hawkmoth. I'll squash that bug and I'll kill the cat."

That's... That's my voice! Just more... harsh.

My vision starts to clear and I can see myself jump off of the efflie tower. I scream but no sound comes out. I look to see my body swinging off of buildings. I see my reflection and gasp. Is that really me? I'm wearing my regular spandex suit except the suit is black with blood red spots on them, my yoyo has dagger like things on the side, and my eyes are a dull gray, hollow, and empty... but evil and red... sending shivers down my spine. The kind where you feel like there's someone watching you.

Adrien/Chat Noir's POV*

I scroll through the Ladyblog to see if Alya has seen Ladybug since she's also Marinette. I find a video of Ladybug and me fighting off Antibug and smile at the memory.

I hear a notification sound on my computer and decide to check it out to find it is another video on the Ladyblog. It's-it's Marinette leaning over the efflie tower! The video then cuts off.  I have to get there!

"Plagg! Claws out! " I exclaim. "BUT MY CHEEEEEESSEEEE---!!! " he says as he gets sucked up into the ring.

I hop around buildings and finally get to the Effie tower.

I look around and now Marinette. I call Ladybug but no answer.

"Trying to call me Chaton? You should know I'm always early." Thank goodness Ladybug is here-

"L-Ladybug? Where's Marinette? What happened? " I ask frantically. She wouldn't hurt her right? " It's Devilbug. Marinette is gone. She will never be coming back, you don't have to worry about her anymore. " I feel my eyes water...no... No... "NO!!!" I exclaim. "She's gone so you're not getting her bac-" I cut her off by swinging my staff at her.

"You... you KILLED her you monster! " I say weakly. "Oh I wish I did, it truly wasn't me, although I wish it was... you see, I was Marinette Dupain-Cheng... as well as Ladybug. I was about to jump off the Effie tower but Hawkmoth came into the picture. Although... I don't really need him anymore. With the power of the miraculous, I can control the akuma myself." I stood there, shocked.

*Marinette's POV*

What? Wh-What's happening? Why am I saying these things?! Chat! CHAT!

"CHAT! " I scream out. My vision starts to clear and I see Chat Noir standing there with tears in his eyes. I try to reach out to him but my body feels as though it is tied down with strings. I strain to reach out to him.

"Marinette is gone. Dead. She's never coming back! " Devilbug exclaims. 'No... That's not... True... ' I push and pull at the strings with all my might until they snap.

"Wh-Wha- ahhhggg! " Devilbug shouts in agony. I finally gain control. "Chat? Chat it-it's me!" I say as I try to hug him. He swings his staff at me. "G-Get back you monster! " What? "It's me! Marinette! You have to help me Chat! P-Please... " I cry out my drops his staff and embraces me with a hug.

"M-Marinette... I-I don't know what to do... " He says weakly. "Chat you need to get out of here, find my kawami. Find master Fù. Save me Chatón... " I plead desperately. He looks at me conflicted. I feel something scratching inside me, no... Someone trying to get out. "Ch-Chat please... I-I can't hold h-her much l-longer... " I say as I tremble from the pain. I look at him once more. "Save me... Adrien... " I say as I collapse to the ground, falling into a mental battle. But not before I see Chat flee. 'Yes... Go and find help... '

*Adrien's POV*

I jump building to building with tears going down my face. I did this. I'm the reason she suffered. I was so blind... So damn blind!

"DAMMIT!!! "  I yelled at the top of my lungs. I need to find Tikki and Master Fú.

"I'll save you princess"

734 words

So sorry it is short! I wanted to update and I am on a writer's block, plus life is a bit more of a struggle than usual... but I hope you enjoyed!

Tell me what you think!

Hope you have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you!!! ❤❤❤

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