Coming Home Ch 3

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Adrien's Pov*

It's been a 10 months since I've seen Marinette, and 8 months since I've seen Ladybug. I miss them both so much... wait... Ladybug? I see a flash of red and black zoom by. "PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!" I say.


I catch up to her and wrap my arms around her. She then flipped me over. "Mi'Lady?" I say. "Oh, Chat! I'm so sorry, I just got back from the mission and I'm a little bit on edge." She says. I hug her again, only this time tighter. "I missed you so much." I say. " I missed you too Chat. Hey, I heard that your friend Marinette is coming back in two months." She says, my ears perk up. "Really?!" I exclaim. "Yeah." She says. "I can't wait!" I say, I have missed Marinette so much.... I can't wait until she gets back.

Time skip because I'm lazy af*
Adrien's Pov*

It's been two months and it is time for Marinette to come home! I'm standing at the bakery, as Chat, preparing for her arrival. Why am I so... giddy? I hear the bakery door open to see a... goddess... wait... Marinette?

I just stand there and study her for a few minutes, her hourglass body, long dark blue hair, her naturally puckered lips, and her beautiful blue bell eyes... snap out of it!

"MARINETTE! YOU'RE HOME! YOUR BACK!" I yell, as I pull her into a tight hug. "Chat... I missed you so much." She says. "Everyone has missed you Marinette, after you left, people started coming into the bakery just to leave cards for you for when you came back. Alya, Nino, and Adrien have been talking about you non-stop."

When I said Adrien, her face changed, it scared me a little. "I have to unpack." She says blankly. "O-Oh, of course! I'll see you later princess!" I say as I walk out of the bakery.

Marinette's Pov*

I have missed Chat, the way his eyes sparkle can make my day. Wait, no! I am not going to get heartbroken again! Marinette is not the sweet girl anymore. Ladybug might be, but she's strong, and I will be too!

"Marinette, are you okay?" I hear Tikki ask. "I'm fine, it's just that I won't be put down anymore! There is a new Marinette in Paris!" I say angrily as Tikki looks at me concerned. "Tikki, I will still have my old personality in me, but this is between me and you, okay? I want to be strong as Marinette AND Ladybug... do you understand?" I say softly. Tikki smiles and hugs my cheek. "Oh Marinette, you are already strong, but if you want to do this, it's your choice, I'm just happy that you're not going to change who you truly are." She says. I smile. "Thanks Tikki." I say as I drift off to sleep, thinking on what will happen at school tomorrow.

The next day...

I wake up and start my day. After I take a shower, brush my hair/teeth, and pick out my outfit for school. I get a white and black crop top, black skinny jeans, and some black and white converse, and to finish my look, the necklace Leela gave me before she... died... it is a heart with the Ladybug pattern on it with "L" in the middle of it. I miss her... "Marinette, come on, let's try to get to school early so you can see your classmates!" Tikki says. "Okay, I missed everyone except for ugh... Adrien." I say


As I walk into school, I see Alya recording something. I almost smile, almost. I'm not that sweet little girl anymore. Alya turns and sees me. "OMG MARI!" She exclaims as she runs up and hugs me. "Hey Alya... I missed you." I say. "Hey... you okay? Where's my sweet little upbeat Marinette?" She asks. "Gone." I say blanky. "Oh, well we are still gonna be besties right?" She asks unsure. I smile a little bit, "Of course." She smiles. I see some of the boys looking at me, and I just ignore them. 'Pigs' I thought to myself.

As me and Alya walk into class, Ms. Bustier pulls me to her desk. When the whole class has filled up, she steps forward. "Class, I would like for you to welcome back Marinette!" She says. I hear whispers around the room and scan it when I notice some bright green ones staring at me. I snap my fingers to grab his attention. "Please make sure to grab a paper towel for your drool, and keep your eyes to yourself." I say to him. He looks shocked liked the rest of the class. Some laugh at him while he glares at them. I sit in my seat by Alya and wait for the lesson to start.

Adrien's Pov when Marinette was introduced.

"Class, I would like for you to welcome back Marinette!" My head jerks up when she says her name, then I can't take my eyes off of her, she's so beautiful. She snapped her fingers and I was brought out of my trance. "Please make sure to grab a paper towel for your drool, and keep your eyes to yourself." She said to me. I just stared at her shocked along with some other students in the class. Some laugh at me while I hear some whispers like,"Damn Marinette is smoking hot." Or "Wow, I want a piece of that." I glare at them, no one should talk about my princess that way. She then sat in her seat by Alya. What is happening to me? Am I... jealous? No, no, of course not... right?


After school I see a few guys surrounding Marinette, you can see them drooling from here. I was about to go over there when I see Nathaneal drag Marinette away from them. 'What does that tomato head think he's doing?!' I think to myself. I then hide in the bushes and use my cat-hearing to listen to the conversation. "Thanks for getting me away from those guys." Mari says. "O-Oh, no problem..." wait, doesn't Nathaneal like Marinette?!

Grrrrrr... I can't take this... I then transform into Chat Noir and jump on a building so I can jump down. "Marinette, would you-" I cut him off by jumping between them. "Oh, hey Chat." Tomato head looks shocked. "Hey, I'm here to take you home. Have a good day toma- Nathaneal." I say as I pick Marinette up and extend my batton. "Well, thanks for taking me home." Mari says. "No purroblem purrincess!" I say. She looks at me. "Still doing your puns I see." She says. "Oh come on! I don't even get a smile?" I ask. "No." She says blanky. My smile fades, where is my sweet, bubbly Marinette?

"Before you ask, I'm not the sweet little pathetic girl you once knew Chat. I have changed since then." She says. I stare at her in shock. Did I do this? Did I change her? "Princess, why are you like this?" I choke out. Her face turns into a scowl as she frowns and says, "Adrien Agreste." She says with a dark tone. So I really did change her... I hug her as tears threaten to fall. "I'm so sorry princess." I say. She hugs me back. "You have nothing to be sorry about Chat." She coos. "I should've protected you... or-or comforted you." I say as I sob. She then looks at me with her heartwarming smile that I have missed so much. "Oh kitty, you always want to protect others, that's what I love most about you." She says while she kisses my head. I can feel my face heat up, I'm praying that my mask hides my blush.

"Awe, is my little kitten blushing?" She asks in her soft voice that anyone would melt under. I blush some more. Why the hell am I blushing?! "Promise me that you will hang on to your sweet side?" I ask her. She gives me a small smile. "Of course kitty." She says. I smile like the goof I am. "Well princess, I have to get going, but I will CHAT with you tomorrow." I say as I kiss her hand. "Such a flirt, as always." She says. I chuckle.

"Hey..." I pause as I was about to jump off they balcony, "try to give Adrien a chance yeah? He told me that he misses your friendship." She scowls, "He ruined our friendship when he rejected me." She says. "Maybe he didn't like you that way." I say. "I can accept that, but, the way he did it got to me, it's like he didn't even care." She says as her voice cracks.

I hug her and coo soft words but her face remains emotionless. "See you tomorrow princess." I say as I jump out the window.

As I am going home, I think to myself, I'm such a fucking idiot! I was so harsh to her... why did I reject her? She's perfect.' I land in my room and de-transform.

"Hey lover-boy, what was that with Marinette hm?" Plagg says. "Shut up Plagg! I-It was nothing!" Damn, why did I stutter?! "Haha! I knew it! I knew you would fall for cookie girl! Ha!" 'Cookie girl?' Only Plagg... but do I like Mari? Nah...? Guess I will find out sooner or later...

Well this chapter was 1578 words not counting these, but I hope that you will continue to read my story! Have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you! Bye!!!♡♡♡

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