I hate you, I love you Ch 6

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Marinette's Pov*

"I love you too." I say. I do but he hurt me, and I love someone else more. "But I hate you at the same time, my feelings are conflicted between you and another." I say. His face changes from happy to sad. "I-I understand, lets finish the project."

It took only about thirty mintues to finish and he left. Not a mintue later did I hear a knock on my window. I opened and smiled. "I thought he would never leave." He says. I giggle. "From what I hear, you have feelings for him and...?" He gestures at me to finish the sentence. "I- ah-..." I can't tell him.

"E-Elias, yeah! Elias!" I say. He growls. He wraps his arms around me and puts his head in my lap. I giggle and play with his hair, he relaxes. After one or two mintues, I hear... purring? I look at Chat who is curled up like a real cat. "Pfft..." this is to cute. He looks up at me and blushes. "Chat are you..?" "No! Y-You didn't hear anything!" He says. *purrrrr* "Awe Chat! Come here kitten!" I say as I reach out to him. He backs away still blushing.

After a while of chasing him around the room, I finally catch him. "Got you kitten." I say as I wrap him in a hug. He turns around and pouts. I scratch the back of his ears and he starts to purr again. "Silly kitty." I say. His ring beeps and he turns back towards me. "I enjoyed talking with you princess~♡" he says. He cupped my face and kissed me on the head. I blushed. "Bye Chat."

I fall alseep thinking about my favorite cat...

In the morning*

I wake up at 7 to see my mom in my room. "Good morning sweetheart, breakfast is ready." She says. I rush down, grab a muffin, and go to school. I walk to school and see only a few kids there. I then here a loud sream. "AHHHHH! LADYBUG, CHAT NOIR! HELP!" they say. I quickly transform and find the akumatized victim. "YOU WILL ALL BOW DOWN TO ME! I AM YOUR LEADER!" I hear a familier voice say. I land next to Chat Noir. "Hello, Chaton." I say. He smiles and kisses my hand. "Hello Mi'Lady." He says. I look at the victim, also known as 'Le Boss' and see that it is none other than Chloe. I quickly see where the akuma is, her glasses are the only thing that doesn't go with her red outfit. "The akuma is in her glasses, if you use her cataclyism on those bars, it could trap her in them." He nodded and went to get into position. He used cataclyism and trapped Le Boss, I quickly grabbed her sunglasses and smashed them, then, I purified the akuma as everything went back to normal. That didn't take so long, I can still make it to class early. "Bye Chaton." I say as I swing off.

As I walk into class I see Elias sitting where Alya usually sat. Although, Alya is sitting with Nino, in the back... again. I smile and sit next to Elias. Adrien walked in and glared at Elias. Lila ended up not coming today. Me and Elias ended up hanging out the whole day, he's great. He's like a brother. At the end of the day he is givng me a piggy-back ride home. He kept on threatening to drop me and I squealed everytime. He put me down and hugged me before ruffling my hair. I giggled and he kissed my head, like an older brother.

Chat Noir's Pov*

I'm waiting on Marinette when I see Elias and Marinette come down the sidewalk, laughing. Elias sets Marinette down and hugs her, then ruffles her hair. She laughs and he, he... he kissed her! HISSSSSS... (from his angle, it looked like he kissed her.)

Marinette's Pov*

I enter my room and see Chat. "Hey Chat what are you doing he-" I stop because he pins me against the wall. "Ch-Chat?" I say. He leans close to my ear and whispers,"You are mine." He said. He pulled back and looked at me. "W-What are y-" he cut me off and kissed me.

(I drew this, it is also the cover, I tried to make it look as good as possible, please don't hate on it

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(I drew this, it is also the cover, I tried to make it look as good as possible, please don't hate on it. 😭)

Chat Noir... is kissing me, of course I kiss back, I love Chat.

Author's Pov*

Chat then pulls Marinette closer as they strengthen the kiss Chat sits on the bed with Marinette in his lap. Marinette grips on Chat's hair while she pulls him closer. They pull away to catch their breath. "Ch-Chat..." Marinette breathes out. "Y-Yeah?" He asks. "What was that for?" She asks. "I saw Elias kiss you and I, couldn't help myself..." Marinette smiled. "Chat, he gave me a kiss on the head, he's like a brother." She explains. His face becomes red. "Then, who was that guy you liked?" He asks. She looked away before kissing him. "Y-You." She says as she pulled away. He smiled. "So you love me princess~" he says. "Well, do you love me Chat Noir~" she leans closer. "Y-Y-Yes." He stuttered out. She smiled and pecked his lips. He wraps his arms around her before saying, "Then will you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, be my girlfriend?" She smiles. "Only if you, Chat Noir, will be my boyfriend." she says. "Yes." They say at the same time. Chat's ring beeped, and he got up. "I will see you tommorrow princess~♡" he says as he gives her a kiss. He hopped off the balconey as Marinette stayed in her room, trapped in a daze.

Hey! Sorry that this chapter is short, Marinette and Chat are finally together! Yay! I will try to update tommorrow! Hope you have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you!!!♡♡♡

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