Leaving my Love Ch 2

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Marinette's Pov*

I wake up next to Chat, he looks so peaceful. I can't stay here though, I had already told my mom what happened and she is letting me stay with my best friend Leela(Aka me the author, I am making an entry! 😄) that lives in America. I haven't seen her in a while and I'm really excited to go see her, she is like a sister, I also need to get away from Adrien, but I will miss Chat. Alya and Nino are the best, I will miss them, but I need to leave.

"Princess?" I hear Chat say. "Yes kitty?" I reply. "Are you doing anything today?" He asks. "Y-Yeah... Chat... I'm... l-leaving..." I stutter out. "What?!" He asks as he looks at me with shock. "I can't stay here Chat... I need to leave, it would be better for everyone." I say. "I can't face Adrien, Chat... I will miss you so much..." I pull him into a tight hug, as I sob. "Princess... please don't go.... where are you even going to go?" He asks, I see tears threating to spill from his eyes.

"A-America..." I manage to say. His eyes go wide as he heard the name of the country. "If-if that's what you want, I will wait for you to come back..." He says. I nod and give a weak smile. He kisses my head and hugs me tighter. "Be safe princess..." He says. "Hey... I have all day today, I'll see you later okay?" I say. "Okay." He says.


Chat's Pov*

Marinette's leaving... I can't believe it. I have to go meet Ladybug.

LB:Hey Chat
CN: Hey Mi'Lady. What did you want to talk about?
LB: I'm leaving for a secret mission in two months Chat.
CN: WHAT?! Both of you are leaving! Why are my princess and Mi'Lady leaving?!
LB: I'm sorry Chat... but I need to leave.
CN: At least we still have two months left right?
LB: Right

( Side note: Marinette is actually leaving in two months so it doesn't look suspicious when she and well... her self aka Ladybug leave, if they leave at the same time there will be questions, Marinette's parents don't know this and think she is leaving today. Leela *me 😄* knows Mari's secret and lives by herself so there is no complications.)

*TWO MONTHS LATER* (spongebob 😂)
Marinette's Pov*

After hiding from everyone, it is finally time to leave. I run to the airport and get on the plane so no one will notice. Lucky for me it is a private plane so I'm the only one in it besides the pilot.


As I get out of the plane I see Leela, I run up to her a give her a big hug. "Marinette! How are you!" She says. "I'm good. I'm so happy to see you Leela!" I say. "Come on! We need to go! You can tell me what happened at the house!" She says.

I look at the house and almost faint. It's gorgeous!" I say. "Wait until you see your room!" She says.

When we get settled in, I tell her everything that happened. "Urgh! That jerk! I should kick his face in! He is so oblivious! He rejected the ONE person he wanted to be with, you!" She shouts. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You're Ladybug! And he is "in LOVE with Ladybug!"" She says, smiling at me. "That's not me, I'm just a simple, clumsy girl!" I sob. "Hey... you're so much more than that! Plus you ARE Ladybug! With the mask or without it!" She says. "You're right!"I gush. "That's the spirit!" She says. "Marinette... I need to tell you something..." she says. "Go ahead." I say.

"Someone has put a bounty on my head..." she says slowly. "WHAT?! WHY?!" I shout. "Because of my mom... She she started some gang and people are trying to kill me. (This is not real, I made this up for the story.) So that's why." She says. "Oh... well I'm here for you." I say. "Thank you Marinette, your the sweetest person I know." She says. "Thanks."


8 months later*

"Mari go!" She says. "I can't just leave you here!" I say. *gunshots* "Listen to me, people need you! Both sides of you! Just go-" she stopped talking because of one bullet. "NO! LEELA!" " Just... go..." She chokes out. "I'll never forget you..." I sob. "Here..." She gave me about 20 million dollars (this equals about 18 million dollars in Paris.) and her necklace. "Goodbye Mari..." she says. "Sweet dreams my friend..." I say as I close her eyes. I run out of the house crying. Thinking of everything that happened. Rejection, death, heartbreak, and tears. I run to an empty building and sit there. "No more sweet Marinette, I'm done with heartbreak and tears. No more nice girl. Say hello to the new Marinette."

This chapter was 821 words not counting these, sorry it was a little bit short. Hope you read the next chapter!What will happen next? What will Marinette do? Stick around to find out! I will try to update soon! Have a wonderful day and keep a smile with you! Bye!!!♡♡♡

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