Little Liar Ch 5

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The next day at school
Marinette's Pov*

I walk into school to see a crowd of people gathered at the front of the school yelling, "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" over and over again. They were all blocking the entrance and I had to get to class. I walk past the students as they step back when they see me. I then see Chloe and Sabrina on top of... Lila? "You are lying you little whore! Adrien would never talk to you! You're just a LITTLE LIAR!" she screams as she is about to punch Lila again.

Adrien's Pov*

If I knew Chloe would react lile that, I wouldn't have said anything to Lila, all I said was hi and we only talked for a good two or three mintues.

"You are lying you little whore! Adrien would never talk to you! You're just a LITTLE LIAR!" she yells as she  pulls her hand back to punch Lila again, just before she does I see a familiar girl step infront of Lila and hold Chloe's fist, Marinette. "You know Chloe, you need to wake up, the world does not revolve around you, if Adrien wants to talk to Lila, let him, if you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at your "Adrikins" or, even better, yourself." She says. I can't believe she said that. Wow. I see Marinette helping Lila up off the ground, offering her a small smile.

Marinette's Pov*

As I help Lila off of the ground, I give her a soft smile. I walk her to the bathroom and help her get freshened up. "Th-Thanks Marinette..." she says. I smile, "Call me Mari, all of my friends do." She looked up at me and smiled. "Come on, lets get to class."

As me and her walk to class, I see Alya and Nino sharing a seat in the back, so I invite Lila to sit with me. She looks excited, but nervous. "Hey, you don't have to be so nervous." I giggle. She sighs, "But, I lied about everything when you were last here..." she started to tear up. "Hey, hey, that's all in the past, and not everyone is perfect, I mean people lie everyday, no one is perfect Lila. Everyone  deserves a second chance." I say. Her expression is happy, she's crying tears of happiness. I hug her and she hugs back while she sobs on her shoulder. "Thanks Mari." She says as she wipes her eyes. "No problem Lila." She smiles.

What Marinette didn't know was that Adrien had seen the whole thing, his heart filled with love and lust for Marinette, he just didn't know, and neither did Marinette.

Adrien's Pov*

Marinette is so amazing... she's-she's perfect... "Looks like he's finally admitting he has feelings for cookie girl!" Plagg says. "D-Did I say that out loud?" I ask, I really hope not. "Yep, now give me cheese." I sigh, "Fine." I hand him his cheese and walk into class.

"So, does that mean we're friends?" Lila asked. "Of course." I hear Marinette say. They hug and continue chatting as I begin to study Marinette as she talks to Lila about... ELIAS?! Grrrr... I ignore the conversation and continue to study Marinette's features until I hear a laugh.

"Yo dude, stop drooling!" I hear Nino shout from the back of the room. All eyes turns toward me as my face heats up. 'What the hell Nino?!' I think to myself. Marinette sends me daggers and then turns back to talk to Lila. I put my head in my hands as I try to think positive thoughts.

"Good morning class!" I hear Ms. Bustier say. "Good morning!" Everyone says back. "We are going to have a project that will consist of two people..." 'Maybe I could be with Marinette...' I thought. "The pairs are, Mylene and Ivan, Max and Sabrina, Alya and Nino, Kim and Juleka, Chloe and Nathaniel, Rose and Lila, and finally, Adrien and Marinette."

Author's Pov*

'Yes!' Adrien thought. 'No!' Marinette thought at the same time. She looked over at Adrien who gave her the most heart-melting smile known to womankind (it is not just mankind, why isn't it called womankind?) Marinette felt something in her heart flutter until she composed herself and put on an emotionless face. Lila then moved next to Rose to work on the project, she told Marinette, "Good luck with Adrien." and went to go sit with Rose. Everyone was now in their groups expect for Marinette and Adrien.

Just before Adrien could talk to Marinette, Elias walked into the door. "Oh! Elias, I forgot about you, let me put you with.... Marinette and Adrien!" (I'm evil I know, sorry 😭😭😭)

Elias' Pov*

I wake up and look at my phone, I smile as I look at a picture of me and Marinette when we were kids. I smile, she's to cute. 'When will you notice my feelings?' I sigh and look at the time. "8: 57?! WHAT THE HELL?! I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!"

As I walk through the door, I see everyone scattered, not in there regular seats. "Oh! Elias, I forgot about you, let me put you with.... Marinette and Adrien!" She says. My eyes lock with Marinette's as I smile, she smiles back. Although, when I look at that Adrien guy, he looks like he's constipated. I walk over to Marinette and ruffle her hair. "Hey cupcake." I say. She giggles and ruffles my hair back, "Hey pea-brain." She says as I laugh. "Cupcake? Pea-brain?" I hear that guy Adrien say. "Oh yeah, I knew Marinette since we were kids and she made me cupcakes so I call her cupcake." I say. "I call him pea-brain because he is one." She laughs as she playfully punched my arm. Marinette is so amazing... I feel my heart flutter as she ruffled my hair again. "Cool, now can we work on the project?!" He asks, he seems a little on edge. "Sure."

Huge time skip because I'm lazy*

As we finish up on the project, there is about one or two more pages we need to do. Just before we were about to get started the bell rang. I remembered that I had to go home because my mom needed help moving everything back in the house. "Hey guys, I have to go, I can finish one of the papers at home though." I said. "No problem pea-brain, I will finish it." Adrien then looked up and said, "I can help you with them." She sighed,"Fine." I smiled, this Adrien guy must like her or something, but cupcake is my best friend, I don't mind them dating, but I just don't want Marinette to ditch me, at the same time I want her to be happy. "Bye guys!" I say as I walk home.

Adrien's Pov*

That Elias kid wasn't so bad, but now I am finally alone with Marinette!

As we walk into her room, she sets everything up and then leaves the room. A few mintues later she comes back with some cookies and croissants. "Here, I made us some snacks, I know that croissants are your favorite..." she looks away. I sigh. "Marinette..." there was so many things I wanted to talk to her about as Adrien, when I'm Chat Noir, there is no problem, but in my civilan form, I messed up, bad.

"I-I wanted to say that I'm sorry, I was so harsh to you... and I-I didn't mean to upset you, you are an amazing young woman Marinette... I-I liked you a little bit back then, but... I-I was confused between you and Ladybug. I look back at that moment so many times and wonder why I didn't accept your feelings." My eyes tear up as I think back to that moment, I formed a crush on Marinette when I gave her that umbrella... I look up at Marinette and she was about to say something but I cut her off. "Marinette, you may put on a emotionless face, but your eyes, those beatiful blue bell eyes that I could stare into forever, I can read them like a book. Your smile can brighten the sun itself, it gives me hope, and that's why I love you-" I stop myself, why did I say that?! A tear falls down my cheek, I look up at Marinette who is smiling, a real smile. She walks over to me and wipes the tear off my cheek. She then leans forward and kisses my head, just like mom would do...

"I love you too."

Cliffhanger! Sorry guys, I hope you enjoy the story and I will try to update again either today or tommorrow! Have a wonderful day and remember to keep a smile with you!!!♡♡♡

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