Chapter 24

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It's been over a month since I lost my father.

It's been a week since I have lost my mother figure, Cher. 

It's been over a month since Demi became my legal guardian. 

And it's been a week since Evan had texted me. 

This last week has been such a roller coaster ride for me that I could barely comprehend what actually happened. It was like I couldn't grasp the fact that the people who I looked up to the most had passed away and the one person who I hated the most is now living under the same roof as me. If i'm actually being honest with you right now, I must say that I've been slowly opening up to Demi more and more.

It still hurts and it still stings. 

The only reason why I've been opening up to her lately was the fact that I've been getting nightmares and that I haven't really been getting enough sleep either. I love her I really do, I love her hugs, her advice, her forehead kisses, and just everything. I've missed this. I've missed her. I've miss my mom ... 

I look at the time and it says "5:45 p.m" okay so 15 more minutes till Evans comes. 

Oh my lawd i'm nervous. 

You see, Evan and I have been talking lately and he's actually in LA!! I haven't really told him what has happened in the last week but if it comes up tonight then I will, he is my best friend after all. 

I close my journal and I glance at myself in the mirror one last time before running down the stairs "MOM!" I scream.

"YES BABY" she screams back from the kitchen and just right after she screamed I hear a car beep, "Evan is here!" 

She smiles, goes over to me and kisses my forehead "you have fun babe, call me or text me if you need anything okay?" I give her a smile back and a nod "will do!" 

I slip on my converse and grab my purse then I head out the door. 

I run down to the gate and goes outside to be met by Evan leaning on the passenger door with a wide smile on his face. "CHICHI!" he screams and picks me up spinning me around. 

I giggle as he put me down, "I'm so happy to see you" I tell him excitedly. "I feel the same holy!" he replies. 

He opens the door for me, "wow what a gentlemen" I tease and he replies with "I've matured" 

He goes around the car going in the driver seat and he faces me "ready for some fun?!?" 

I smile real big at him, "definitely."



Holy moly!!!!! It's been a year or so since I have updated this book! I hope that there's still people who will actually read the book. I wanna explain so much to you guys but I feel as if you wouldn't really care about it.

Y'all are amazing, seriously, I was re-reading this story last night before bed and I was also reading all your comments and it honestly made my heart melt. 

Specially when I was going through some things, all your comments was telling me to stay strong and to never give up. That definitely gave me the encouragement to continue the story. I love you guys so much and never forget that! 

If y'all need anyone to talk to you know that I'm here always. 

Stay Strong lovelies 💕

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