Chapter 18

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Once the door slammed shut I turned to face Marissa and Demi, they had such a huge smirk on their faces. 

"Damn girl! You know how to put people on their right spot" Demi said

"Well someone has to" I replied back

"You said it with so much authority even I got scared" I just laughed at Marissa's comment.

"Well guys that wont be the last time we'll be seeing them. Plus I got all the sass from my mom" I smirked at my mom. 

"Let's just clean this mess they made and take the chest and go." I continued

After 2 hours of cleaning we're finally on our way back to LA with the chest.

"Baby girl wake up"

I opened my eyes and saw that we were already at home. I was asleep for that long?

We all jumped out of the car. Mom went straight to open the front door while Marissa helped me carry the treasure chest box.

We left the treasure chest at the living room and agreed to go to bed.

Today has been eventful but I can't wait to find out what's inside the box.

I went and got changed into my PJs, washed my face, and brushed my teeth.

I think I fell asleep faster than you blinking your eye.


The next morning I went downstairs after getting ready for the day.

I went inside the kitchen hoping to see my mom but all I saw was a note on the counter.

'Hey, Marissa had to go to work and I had to go the studio but I'll be back by 2 PM. Please eat breakfast and lunch.

Love you baby girl 😘

-Mom' I read out loud.

I'll open the chest after lunch I guess. I'll just walk to starbucks.

I quickly texted my mom saying I'll walk to starbucks.

I went and grabbed my shoes and house keys.

I was waiting in line to order when I heard a familiar voice. I looked around the room when I saw him with another girl making out.

He's cheating on me?

I looked down at the promise ring Nathaniel gave me and looked back up at him which brought tears to my eyes.

"Miss? Miss? Miss!" I turned to look at the cashier guy.

"Sorry" I stepped aside so the person behind me can order.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked to their table while taking out the promise ring.

I slammed my hand that was holding the promise ring on their table which shocked them.

But Nathaniel looked like he just saw a ghost.

"So this why you haven't been hanging out with me?" I tried sounding strong but freak my voice cracked at the end.

"Addie I can ex-" he tried talking but I cut him off

"I don't need your lame ass explanation. What I saw was clear. Keep your fucking promise ring." with that I threw the promise at him and ran back home.

Once I got home I slammed the front door and ran straight to my room. I heard someone call my name but I ignored them and just jumped in my bed and cried like a baby.

'How could he?' Was the only thing flying around my head.

I felt someone hugged me and I turned around to bury my head on the person's chest.

By the smell of the person I can tell it was Demi, my mom.

How could he do this to me? We've been together for 3 years now.

We've been through so many things and now he just cheated on me like that?

I cried harder which made Demi's arms tightened around me.

"Shh baby girl breathe"

I cried for at least 20 more minutes, mom and I just sat there in silence for 5 minutes then she asked what happened.

"I caught Nathaniel making out with someone else" I whispered knowing that if I tried talking louder I would end up crying again.

"That asshole." my mom said while hugging me tighter.

After an hour we decided to eat lunch then we just sat in the living room watching the ID channel, like always.

Then we heard the door open

"THAT SON OF A BITCH, I'M ABOUT TO CHOP SOMEONE'S BALLS OFF." I heard Marissa yell which made me and Demi laugh.

"Addie you can do better than Nathaniel. It's his lost not yours girl!" She said sitting between Demi and I.

"I was seriously not cuddling with my baby girl ya know?" Demi said sarcastically.

"Aww mami don't worry. I have to open the treasure chest anyway." I stood up and took out my necklace which had the key for the lock.

I unlocked the treasure box and took a deep breath before opening it.

Once I opened the box I instantly covered my mouth with my hands while tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"Oh my gosh" I whispered.

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