Chapter 3

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Why is somebody shaking me?!?


"Go away whoever you are!!!!" I said with my morning voice while slapping the hand away from me.

"Addie c'mon you have school! Tomorrow is finally Friday!!"

Ohhhh its Dad!

I just pulled the covers over my head groaning in response. But that didn't last since dad pulled my covers off my face.

"Get your lazy ass off of bed now" he said trying not to smile.

"Fine! Just put my ipod on my ihome and press shuffle" I said sleepily handing him my ipod. I am NOT a morning person. 

After a minute he didn't take the ipod from my hand so I opened my eyes and looked at him "what?"

He crossed his hand and replied "what's the magic word?"

"Pick-a-boo?" I asked. All he did was raise his right eyebrow. I gave him a puppy dog face and said "please?!?"

He just chuckled and played my ipod. "Go get ready, then we'll eat breakfast, then I'll drop you off" and with that he shut my door.

I groaned and got up. I went straight to my bathroom that is connected to my room and a guest room.

I went and took a shower. After that I dried myself, wrapped my hair up then I put my bra and underwear on. I brushed my teeth, then I washed my hands with the hand soap before washing my face. I don't know about you guys but I don't like washing my face without washing my hands first.

Then I walked out of my bathroom and went in my walk in closet. I picked a black ripped skinny jeans, Nirvana band tee-shirt, black socks and then my combat boots.

After getting dressed I went back to my bathroom, unwrapped my hair and comb it. Then I applied a little bit of makeup. I looked in the mirror one last time and sighed, "Never will I be good enough" I mumbled to myself.

I took my backpack and went downstairs walking straight to the kitchen where I see my dad with his coffee.

"Morning daddy-o" I said sitting down and grabbing a toast and a piece of egg.

"Morning kiddy-o" He answered with a cheeky smile. I just playfully rolled my eyes.

After breakfast we headed out for the door and drove straight to school with a comfortable silence around us.

Before I know it my dad parked the car in front of my school. I turned to him and asked "Do I really have to go to school?"

"Yes" he said right away.

"Well, it was worth a shot" I said with an eye-roll.

He laughed and said "By the way I have some old friends coming over tonight for dinner" I looked at him with confused face "old friends?" I asked.

"Yes old friends, now go before your class start" he said the hugged me.

"K bye daddy-o!" I said opening the door. "Bye baby-girl" was the last thing I heard before heading to the school entrance.

'Time to go to hell' I thought to myself

Before I reached my locker I got tackled by my best friend. "Addison!!! How is your dad?" she asked.

"Well Jessica he's great" With that the bell rang, indicating that first period is about to start.

"Dude we gotta go to class" she said while dragging me to Religion class.


*Time lapse to dinner time*

I went down to the kitchen and was shocked with so many plates and food on the table.

"Dad how many are coming?" I asked him with 'what the hell' tone voice.

"5, now help me finish setting this table up" he replied while handing me all the spoons and forks. He was getting the food out of the oven when the door bell rang.

"Addie would you please get the door" he asked placing the ham down in the counter.

I nod and walked towards the door. I had a weird feeling about this so I took a deep breath and then shrugged my feelings out. 'I mean its only dad's old friends how bad can it be?' I asked myself and opened the front door.

My jaw dropped once I saw them.

My face turned from shocked to angry when I saw HER

"oh hell no."

This is bad. Really bad.



I hate cliffhangers but it's doing it to other. LOOL! Maybe you guys would be lucky and have another update later.

Who do you think is THEM?!?

Who do you think is HER?!?

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