Chapter 27

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Wilmer like the spanish old looking guy? I met him, he came by our house once and I basically forgave my mom because of him and what he had to say.

Has my mom forgotten about that? Why is she so nervous? What's the big deal?

"Okay" I responded with a shrug and continued eating what was left of my food as I watched the TV.

"Okay? That's it?" My mom asked surprised which made me look back at her with confusion?

"Are you looking for a different reaction from me?" I chuckled

"I - uh - I thought you would like, I don't know. I don't really know why I was nervous? I thought you - you would've been hesitant?" I laughed as Demi stuttered.

"Mom you do remember that I met him right? ... I had a full on conversation with him in spanish ..? Remember?" I sit back amused at how my mom was so nervous.

"Oh." She said trying to remember back "Ohhhhhhhh yes! Oh my gosh! How can I forget!" she face palmed herself in disbelief.

"Soooo when am I 'officially' meeting your boyfriend?" I teased as her cheeks became bright red. "Um, how about tomorrow for brunch?" She answered still blushing

"You sound like a little kid talking to her mother about her boyfriend, getting all flustered and shy and all. It's amusing." I laughed at her as the shade on her cheeks grew brighter which made me laugh even more.

Demi grabbed a pillow and threw it at me "Oh shut up!" she says chuckling.

I continued to laugh so hard that I rolled off the couch holding onto my stomach. "Fuck I can't stop laughing and my stomach hurts!" I cried in laughter trying to stop but failing to do so.

Demi whines but ends up laughing along with me. After a good 20 minutes of me dying of laughter I finally stopped and tried to catch my breathing "Wow that was hilarious!"

Demi rolls her eyes playfully and shakes her head at me "So you good for brunch tomorrow?" She asked again looking at me smiling widely which I genuinely returned back and nodded.

After an hour of talking and watching the ID channel we had finally decided that it was time for bed. Mom went to her room while I did the same in mine after we said good night. After changing in my PJ's I went to the washroom attached to my room and did my skincare without forgetting to brush my teeth of course.

I walked out of my washroom and turned off all the lights except for my bedside lamp. I got in bed sitting up and wrote in my journal, today was actually a pretty good day. We didn't do anything big but it definitely made my heart full.

As I was finishing up with my journal I hear a knock on my door, "Come in" I say softly. I close my journal as my mom comes in, "Hey baby girl, what chu doin?" She asks as she made her way to my bed.

"Nothing, just writing in my journal, what's up?" I said smiling softly at her which she returned. "Nothing really, I was just wondering if I can sleep with you tonight? I wanted to cuddle." She says chuckling and I nodded "Of course, but you'll have to lay on the other side of my bed because I like this side" I said chuckling and she climbed over me then got in under the covers.

I turned off my bedside lamp and laid down getting comfortable. My mom wraps her arms around me pulling me closer to her. I snuggled my face to her neck smiling softly and whispered, "I love you mama."

I feel her smile against my skin as she kisses my forehead, "I love you too baby girl."

"Forever?" I replied

"And always." She finished.


I stir in my sleep feeling somebody holding me and memories from last night came in rushing in my mind which brought a smile to my face.

I laid down with my mom hoping that I can fall asleep but when I realized that wasn't happening I decided to get out of bed quietly, making sure not to wake her up. I went to my washroom closing the door behind me without making a sound and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I grabbed my phone and the book that I'm currently reading then headed downstairs. I went straight to the kitchen and started making both of our coffees and next thing I knew my moms dogs started running down the stairs. I giggled to myself quietly petting them and feeding them. After they ate I went and let them out in the backyard as I went back to making our coffee.

As I finished filling up two bowls with fruits my mom appeared in the kitchen with her bed hair "Good morning baby girl" she smiles at me which I returned back "Good morning mama."

I handed her one of the mugs filled with coffee together with one of the bowls filled with fruits. "Here, I didn't try to make a big breakfast since we're going out for brunch anyways."

"Thank you baby girl." She smiles taking a sip from her coffee. We ate our breakfast talking about what we can do today and after we finished we both headed up and got ready for the day.

I wore a red floral wrapped around dress with a plain white low top pair of shoes. I grabbed my little tiny backpack and filled it up with everything I need for today and I wore my ray ban sunglasses on my head and grabbed my phone as I headed downstairs.

"Ma-ma!" I yelled as I went down the stairs "I'm coming my child!" She yells back and a few seconds after I hear her coming down the stairs. I went and grabbed her car keys and turned to her giving her my best puppy eyes "Please please please can I drive?!?!?!?"

She looks at me for a few seconds and finally gave in "Ugh fine! But you better not get in a car accident!" She said getting in the passenger seat and I hop in the driver seat. "Psh I drive better than you and everyone knows it" I replied laughing.

After 30 minutes in traffic and singing our lungs out we made it perfectly fine to the restaurant. "See I told you." I commented as we made our way inside the restaurant, "Fine you were right!" She groans out.

"Can I take a video of you saying that?!?" I giggled and she pushes me playfully and she then pointed to somebody who was sitting at a table in the patio area, "Look there he is."

We both gave Wilmer a hug when we got to the table and I sat down while my mom sat beside me across from him. I told Wilmer how nervous my mom was on asking about this brunch and we both teased her about it since Wilmer and I already met before. He was a cool guy, I like him. I can see why he's good for my mom and if he really does love her then I support them. I still need to talk to him about that though, make sure he knows that I will chop his balls if he does ever hurt my mom.

After a long time of eating and talking about anything we finally asked our waitress to grab the bill. I was checking my phone quickly as another waiter came but what made me look up was my mom gasping.

Demi looked mad, actually scratch that, Demi looked furious. Confused as to why she looked like that, I then followed her gaze which led me to looking at the waiter and in that moment I understood.

My ex, stood there, handing my mom the bill and suddenly his face changed as he realized who he was handing it to.

My breath got caught in my throat as I looked up at him and he looked back and forth between my mom and I almost looking scared and .... Guilty? Fucking guilty my ass.

"You son of a bitch." My mom said low but angry, even I flinched when I heard her tone.



A shiiiit Mama Bear came out!!

What do you think Demi will do to him?

Do you want more Addie and Demi moments?

Stay Strong

- Clara 

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