Chapter 15

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"Nathaniel I .. I would love too" I answered smiling widely while tears was falling.

Every yelled YES!! Then he slid the ring on my finger and picked me up, spinning me around.

I wrapped my arms and legs tightly around his neck and waist. He stopped spinning and kissed me passionately. We kept making out for few more minutes not caring about everyone fangirling.

We then heard Marissa yell "get a room"

Then mom interrupted yelling "NO PLEASE DON'T GET A ROOM!!"

Then we all burst out laughing.

Everything was perfect. This is perfect. I finally have my mom back and I have Nate.

Dad may not be here physically but he is here through spirit. I know that he's still disappointed that I broke my 1 year that was suppose to be today. But I know that he's happy because Nate and I are accepted by everyone we love and care about.

Everyone finally left after wishing us all good luck. I was just picking up some garbage from the grass while Nate took down the stage and everyone else cleared away the tables and instruments.

I saw Nate making his way towards me with a small box in his hand.

"Hey babe come here for a sec," he said dragging me to the edge of the pool. He then rolled up his skinny jeans up to his knees and sat on the edge while dipping his legs in. He patted his side indicating me to sit beside him so I did.

"This is for you." he handed me the small rectangular box he had been carrying.

"What's this?" I asked taking the box from him.

"For your one year clean. You didn't think I would forgot about that did you?"

All I did was look down playing with the box. I know he'll be disappointed.

He lifted my chin "hey why are you down?"

"I broken my clean yesterday. I'm sorry." By now I was in tears.

"Hey hey hey. Its okay don't worry about it. I know everything has been tough, it's okay. Slip ups are part of recovery." he said hugging me

"I think I'm going to tell mom."

He smiled at me brightly "You're finally opening up"

"Yea" I said smiling weakly at him.

"Well no matter how much I wanna stay with you tonight. I have to go home and you have to talk to Demi"

I nodded in agreement.

I walked him to the front door and said our goodbyes.

Everyone said good night to mom and I. They all went to sleep while I was finishing up cleaning the dishes and mom was sitting in the dining table drinking milk.

I guess this is it.

I turned the tap off and turned my attention to mom. She looked up at me when she felt my eyes on her. She smiled lovingly at me and I returned her smile with a weak smile. Then her face turned to a concern one.

"Hey is everything okay baby girl?" She asked in an obvious worried tone.

"Yea I just need to talk to you" I said walking up the stairs.

I changed into my PJs, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I then hopped in bed. Few minutes later mom hopped in bed in her PJs, wearing glasses, and make up free. She looked absolutely perfect just like that.

She wrapped her arms around me which made me snuggle into her more.

"So tell me what's wrong baby girl" she said rubbing circles on my back.

"I broke my almost 1 year clean."

She looks down at you and gives you a confused face.

Oh now she hates me. 

"Sorry, what?"

"Yes, you heard me right mom. I started when you dropped me off at my dads house. And then he found out when I was 12. Him and Cher tried to help me but nothing worked. Then Nate came along and he made me feel beautiful. He told me that I was worth it and not useless. Today was suppose to be my one year clean but I just messed up yesterday and did it. I-i just could-n't st-o-p it. Dad di-ed and I th-ou-gth I was alone. H-e musst b-e re-re-re-really disappointed in me." I was crying hysterically after that.

Mom hugged me tighter and rubbed my back trying to keep me calm.

"Baby girl you're his warrior remember? It was just a slip up. And we all have slip ups when it comes to recovery. I mean I still have my slip ups and the urges after treatment and even now, but I just have more control of it this time. And I'll help you. I'm always here for you. From now on you're stuck with me till you have to move out to college or if you get married. I'm never leaving you again." She was crying by the end of her speech. But I stayed silent though.

She then sat me on her lap and made me face her by grabbing both side of my face lightly.

"I'm never leaving again okay?"

I nodded and kissed her cheeks lightly.

"I know mom, I know" with that we went back to our laying position.

"I love you so much baby girl. More than you'll ever know" she whispered kissing my forehead lightly.

"I love you too mama"

That night I fell asleep feeling safe and loved by my mother.



I thought that I gave you guys way too much cliffhangers so here you go. No cliffhangers. I love you all and if you need anyone just message me here or DM me on twitter.

I love you all. Stay Strong 💕


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