Chapter 1

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Addison's POV

I've been waiting here with Cher for almost 30 minutes. I can't even sit still. I haven't seen my dad for 3 months now and he's finally coming home.

You're probably asking who I am, right?

Well, my name is Addison May Lee Torres but you can just call me Addie. I'm 16 years old. I was born in Dallas, Texas on February 28.

I'm here now at the airport waiting for my dad with my dad's best friend, who basically takes care of me whenever he's not around. She's basically a mother I've never had.

You're probably asking what I meant about 'a mother I've never had'. Well you see my biological mom has basically just dropped me off at my dad's house one night. She probably can't handle me so she decided to give up on me and drop me off at dad's.

I'm not complaining that much though. My dad is the most amazing dad ever. He might be away all the time but whenever he's here, he makes sure we spend every single second together.

Yes, my dad is always away. He's always away because he's in the American Force. He's one of the country's hero, you know, he's one of the people who protects our country. I'm proud and happy for him. I am grateful that he's my dad.

My mom on the other hand is a different story. She's the reason I get nightmares every single night. She's the reason why I'm fucked up.

Aren't mother's suppose to take care of you?

Aren't mother's suppose to tell you you're beautiful?

Aren't mother's suppose to tell you that you're worthy of life?

Aren't mother's suppose to keep you safe?

Well, my mother didn't do any of those things. In fact she did the opposite. If it weren't for my dad who took me in 11 years ago then I'd be 6 feet under the ground by now.

My thoughts got interrupted by Cher shaking me, "Addie? Addison!"

I blink a couples of times before turning my head to face her, "huh? What? Sorry"

All she did was point ahead of us. Once I turned my head in the direction she pointed at, my eyes widened and I jumped off my seat.

Running towards my dad while tears was freely escaping my eyes I yelled "DADDY!!!!!!"

I crashed into his open arms, he spun me around while I wrap my legs tightly around his waist and nuzzle my head on his neck, smelling his scent.

"I missed you baby-girl" he whispered while kissing my forehead and hugged me tighter.

"I miss you too daddy" my voice cracking from crying.

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