Chapter 9

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I woke up by a loud sobbing sound coming from downstairs. I opened my eyes and saw Mom wasn't beside me anymore. Then I looked at my phone and saw it was only Friday today.

What the hell? It was suppose to be Sunday today since I had my dance competition yesterday which was Saturday. I looked around my room and saw that my mom's suitcases wasn't there anymore. Then I went to pick up my phone at my night stand but then I realized the medal I got from yesterday wasn't there.

What the hell. 

Why is everything so different from yesterday? Where is mom? I kept asking myself questions but soon got interrupted by another sob coming from downstairs.

I decided that maybe I should check out what was happening.

I went downstairs and saw Cher with red eyes from crying. But ..

"Cher what happened? Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be in England? Where's mom and the family?" I asked her making it clear that I was confused as hell.

She furrowed her eyebrows and said "What do you mean I'm suppose to be in England? Mom and the family? What are you talking about?"

"Yea, you were suppose to be in England. You left on Friday night same night as dad. And when I say mom I mean Demi and her family was suppose to be staying with me because dad had to go back to work and you needed to be in England for some family emergency." I stated.

"Addison today's Friday. I never left for England. And Demi? You haven't seen her and her family for 11 years." She said slowly looking at me weary. 


"Woah woah woah!!! Hold up! What do you mean I haven't seen her and the family for years?! She came on Thursday because dad invited her and the family which I hated and shit went down. I was going to live with them because dad was called back to the Force and you had some family emergency back home and that's why you left. I even forgave her. They even came to my dance competition yesterday. She even admitted that she was jealous of you." I said trying my best to recall everything that had happened this last few days.

She shakes her head "Addie your dance competition is tomorrow since tomorrow is Saturday. Your dad was never called back to the force since he was off for 3 months but I doubt you'll be able spend those 3 months with him. You never saw your mom yet. You probably dreamed about all this last night baby."

OH. MY. GOSH I knew it was too good to be true. I knew that I can never forgive Demi for everything she did for me that easy. I knew that I would never want to live with her. I knew I would never want to be wrapped in her arms ... But

But ... I felt home. The dream felt so real. The dream felt so right but wrong at the same time. Am I actually feeling sad that it wasn't true? No I can't be. 

At least I'm not stuck with Demi anymore. She put my through way too much shit. She's the reason behind the pain in my eyes.

But hey, I get to spend more time with dad. Or at least that what I thought.

"Wow, well that was one hell of a dream. Where's dad?! At least I get to spend more time with him!!" I said excitedly but soon died down after I saw a few tears roll down Cher's cheek.

I went up to her and hugged her "hey hey hey what's wrong Cher? Why are you crying?"

She lets go of me and looks at me straight in the eye. "That's the thing Addie. You wont be able to spend a lot of time with your dad."

"But you even said it yourself. He has 3 months off." I snapped back because this morning has been really confusing which is frustrating me.

"H-e a h-e .. I u-hm .. " she replied stuttering.

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