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dont fyt me i know u liked what u saw smh we all need jisoos

10 Years Ago, the same day Park Jimin went missing...

"I swear, I don't know what happened!" My voice was hoarse from explaining, but the village officer looked like he wasn't buying it. If I weren't fifteen years old, he would've found his hands in a kno—no. Never mind.

Lee-ahjussi smoothed out his gruffy moustache. "I get it, kid. You're too young to cover up a crime this big and this unsolvable. It's a huge embarassment to the local police station because even their best detectives can't break the case down, so this won't even be making it to the local paper, much less the news."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you're telling me this because...?"

"You have a right to know, at least," He said, the stench of day-old pizza emanating from his mouth. "Your childhood best friend is missing, and nobody knows if he's already dead."


I knocked on the Park residence's door and rang the doorbell. Their house was intimidating as ever, standing regal and tall, outmatching the other houses in the village. The only thing they needed was gargoyles, and the full look would be complete.

Waiting for the door to open, I had a lot of thoughts. Was it really okay for me to tell him? If I did, it would never be the same. The awkwardness would make our friendship worse. Worst case scenario, there wouldn't even be any friendship at all. I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts.

The door swung open, and I forgot everything I was supposed to say. Jimin was standing lazily by the doorway with a bowl of popcorn in his small hands. He looked really cute with bedhair if you asked me. He ran his fingers through his hair, the way he always did when he was feeling confident of himself (not that I didn't like it).

His eyes were half-lidded when he tilted his head and monotonously grumbled, "Welcome to the Park residence, how may I help y—hi, Y/N."

I blinked myself out of my trance. "Um. Okay. If you were that busy, I can just—"

"I'm moving," Jimin muttered in his hoarse morning voice, staring down at his small feet (everything about this boy was small;I was taller than him!). "Next week, I'm moving. Maybe we could still spend some time and play...?"

The sadness in his voice made my stomach twist. I stared at him, increasing the awkward silence by a billion percent. "Do you still have time to hang out? What about your house? Wouldn't your friends miss you? What about school? What about—" me? I couldn't say it, but maybe that was also because another person was standing beside him.

Of course, that person was about to ask for someone. He always asks for the same person. And obviously, that person would be—"Where's Taehyung-ah?" Jimin's younger brother, Jungkook, asked. —my cousin, Taehyung.

"At my place. Playing video games. You go... Join him. And um," I managed a smirk despite the sadness welling up in my stomach, "Mom and dad won't be home any time soon. Unfortunately"—I threw my house keys inside Jimin's house—"I think I lost the keys to my house. And I don't think I would be able to get inside."

Jungkook's eyes sparkled like the Devil's and gave me an evil grin. "And I'll lock the doors so you won't be able to get in. Thanks, Y/N, you're the best."

I patted his back and watched him dash to my house. "Go get him, Kookie."

Jimin dropped his bowl of popcorns. "My brother. Jungkook. He isn't—he isn't—"

"Straight?" I asked, "Jimin, it's too obvious for you to not know that they're together. If you tell me you're not straight, I'm going to burn your house and kill you. By the way, may I come in?"

how fun

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