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why is jungkook such a meme


Taehyung pointed his gun at us and pulled the trigger.

...and I felt the bullet run right past my ear.

Somebody behind me howled in pain. The policeman from before was grasping his shoulder. "You're all criminals!" He belched (his burp smelled like rotten donuts, thanks for asking).

"T-Taehyung.." Jimin's eyes were sparkling with admiration (a/n: istg this could pass for either a vmin fic or a vmin lemon scene). "Thank you. Thanks man, really."

Taehyung grumbled. "Yeah. Whatever." He gestured his gun at the two of us. "I deserve an explanation from you two later. Judging from the police sirens outside right now, I'm guessing... you're <expletives deleted>?"

"Language!" I mocked Taehyung's tone when he was scolding Jungkook.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up, Y/N."

I could hear shouting and footsteps rushing up the stairs, and I hurriedly closed the door, as if that could hold them off.

Taehyung glared at Jimin, who was already lacing his hand around mine. Jimin's eyes read, Get ready to jump. My eyes said, Again? "You and I," Taehyung told Jimin, "Will have a man-to-man talk later."

Jimin smirked. "Anytime. Just don't go making any murder attempts on me, or you'll know what happens."

Taehyung shivered darkly and wiggled his leg. "This thing? It's fine. Just heavily slashed is all."

"Are you sure you won't be needing any help?" I asked.

Taehyung sighed. "I'll be fine. You go. I'll hold them off."

Taehyung really had changed.

Jimin grabbed my hand, and we ran towards the window—seriously, why did Seoul buildings have bigass windows that people from action movies could jump through?

We jumped just as the door burst open, Taehyung screamed blood and murder, and Jimin took a bullet to his shoulder.

Wait. What?

A/N: will advertise upcoming books soon+writing upcoming books+editing chapters+very busy atm but will get back to you soon

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