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we'll be having some taehyung time lmao taetae stans wer u at; also the pic above is jungkook (obviously xD), and it's also a clue of what's gonna happen l8r okay thx bai

Present Day...

The self-service laundry shop smelled quite marvelous today. Oh, did you hear that? Police sirens. A little distant, though. Not that it's my problem (yeah, right).

"You sure you got no money left on you?" Taehyung asked me, annoyed.

"Yeah, I swear! I used all of the money for projects, you know?" I gave my cousin a pleading smile, but Taetae just gave me an unwavering glare. "Okay, I may have used it on the new BTS album, but—"

He rolled his eyes. "You're lucky I love you," he grumbled, handing me money to pay for the washing machine service.

"Jesus, that's so loving," I muttered.

"Don't push it, you broke otaku nerd, I'm already in love with someone else." Taehyung snapped.

"I'm not a broke—okay, maybe I'm broke, but not the otaku nerd, and yes, I know, you're definitely gay for Jungkookie!"

"On second thought, I'd like to have my money back—"

"No, wait, please reconsider!"


"Oh, yeah, I remember, the elementary school reunion is tomorrow, right?" Taehyung asked me, chewing on warm shawarma as we walked home.

"Yeah." I said. Then I acknowledged his silence. "Just so you know, Jimin won't be there, but Jungkook will. Obviously. You and your boyfriend will never—"

"He's not my boyfriend," Taehyung's face turned as red as a tomato.

"Sure he isn't," I smirked. "Anyway, Jimin's probably dead and he left me all alone without saying goodbye, not that I'm mad at him or anything."

"Don't do that."

I wrapped my scarf more tightly around my neck. "Do what?"

"You know, trying to be happy over a sad subject." It was hard to take Taehyung seriously with all the pieces of shawarma he had on his face. "It isn't normal. And it hurts. I know it does. It's written all over your face."

"Don't do that, either." I replied.

"Do what?" Some shawarma sauce dribbled off his chin, and he shivered in his winter jacket.

"Don't be concerned. If you tell me I'm supposed to endure something even if I can't, I will. If you tell me to let go, I will. Please don't. I'm fine with people telling me to keep going even if it hurts." I watched as Taehyung choked on a lettuce. "It feels better."

Remember the police sirens? They were near now. VERY near.

Near the main road, other people were flocking to see what the commotion was about. Being regular curious human beings, Taehyung and I ran towards the crowd.


It was much easier to say that Taetae and I knew nothing or no one in the commotion, and we had walked away feeling better that we didn't have anything to do with it.

It wasn't the case. You shouldn't even be surprised.

The three police cars driving down the main road were confusing enough, swerving left to right and barely managing to keep away from the other cars and from each other.

The civilian cars skidded to a halt, and drivers and passengers got out to see what the heck was going on.

The police vehicle on the left spun a complete 360 degrees and left some drift marks on the road, and stopped just before it hit a streetlight.

The one in the middle nearly hit a screaming pedestrian, and stopped almost immediately, nearly hitting a parked car with a small boop.

The car on the rightmost side was the strangest. It was driving smoothly now, not a trace of the swerving and 360-ing from a few meters ago. I could see the police officer—or at least his uniformed legs and his black shoes—dangling at the back of the car, when he should've been the one driving.

The other civilians were already gawking merely at the man's legs, pulling out their smartphones and snapping pictures and videos.

The car pulled to a stop, and I felt as if the whole avenue was holding its breath.

The drivers of the cars in the left and the middle stepped out: one, a strangely familiar-looking teenage boy in a police officer's outfit that looked great on him, and another, a girl in a simple school uniform, her long brown hair whipping around her violently.

I was afraid I knew who the guy in the last police car was, and I knew that this was the start of a fricking story (then again, this whole thing is a story).

The last car door swung open, and even though I already knew who would step out, this being a clichè story and all, I couldn't help but feel nervous. My breath hitched.

Around the crowd, streetlights were shut off and we and the people with the police cars were barricaded from the shops and from human sight.

Half of me was afraid the REAL police wouldn't make it, but the other more sensible part of me said that things would be more exciting if I let the current situation unfold. I didn't even mind the other people huddling together, crushing my lungs and the life out of Taehyung.

A boy stepped out of the car adjusting the headphones hung on his neck, with a smile that didn't quite match his emo outfit that seemed to scream the word teenager.

I couldn't be sure if that was really him. But that was him, right? He was as tiny as I remembered him to be (okay, maybe more handsome).

For the split second that our eyes met, I knew that he recognized me, judging from the sudden frown that formed on his face, but his handsome, sculpted face lit up again, with the same cocky smirk.

The boy tilted his head to the side. "My name is Jimin and I've come to negotiate."

Well that cleared everything. It was Jimin, after all. My story wasn't as climactic as I thought it would be.

Taehyung let out a soft eep and mouthed to me, Is that really him?

Jimin pointed at the three cars. "That never happened."

"Sure it didn't," one of the civilians grumbled.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, and once again, we made eye contact, which made him pause for a moment and think of what to say. "I see you lot aren't as cooperative as I perceived you to be."

I tried to process what was happening. The old best friend whom I fell in love with was, at the moment, standing on the hood of a police car with two other people I had probably met or never met in my life, wearing an emo-themed clothes scheme, probably listening to weird dubstep traps, and asking to negotiate with the witnesses of what I thought to be his crime. This boy—no, this man, needed my utmost guidance right now.

"Let me make myself clear." Jimin announced, and pulled out a small pocketknife matching his small fingers (he looked pretty lousy with it in my opinion, but he managed somehow), earning a snicker from the crowd, but Jimin's expression didn't waver, and he looked absolutely terrifying—nothing like the half-lidded boy who dropped his bowl of popcorns when he found out his brother wasn't straight. "Whatever you saw did not happen. Of course, for this event, there are only two options: shut the hell up, or die."

thanks for reading this

pls keep reading

i have a wife and two kids

okay maybe not but you get what i mean

it's so difficult waiting for bon voyage s2 jisoos can someone recommend a kdrama

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