-twenty five.

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oh hi

I felt a knife threatening to slash my throat. You know, I'm really tired of getting my life in danger. Can't I just fall in love with jimin in peace? I smiled, and tried to keep my cool. Right now, stalling was my best chance. I took a deep breath. "Hello, Min Yoongi."


"I'm going to skip the evil villain dialogue and cut to the chase," Yoongi muttered calmly, "You're coming with me."

"Thank God you skipped the dialogue," I snapped, "Your breath could've wiped out an entire sovereign country."

"Y/N," Jimin warned strugglingly, held to the floor by one of Yoongi's henchmen. He was already losing energy trying to resist the henchman's handholds. "Cut it out. You're already in danger as it is."

"I'm getting really tempted to cut your tongue off now," Yoongi grumbled.

"Then do it," I growled.

"That's it. Now you're really—"

"You're acting like two slutty teenagers!" Jimin yelled, kneeing his captor as hard as his weak self could in the place-that-must-not-be-named, making him crumple to the floor in a damaged heap. Jimin followed suit, falling to the floor on his knees. "Just—just let us go, Yoongi. We aren't worth it. Let's just forget all about this and—"

"Ha," Yoongi scoffed, "to me you mean nothing. But to your dad? Oh, boy, the amount of money he's offering just for you—"

A knife shot out of nowhere (where were people getting all these quiznaking knives, holy crow), and gashed cleanly through Yoongi's knee, missing my calf by half a millimeter. He screeched and fell to the ground, cradling his wound.

Rosè approached the scene. "Back off, Yoongi," she snarled.

"R-rosè!" I exclaimed. "You're just in time. You're... it's as if you knew..."

"These two are mine," Rosè spat, her attention still on Yoongi.

Sudden realization dawned on me. I regarded Rosè with such disgust it may have shown on my face, because she returned the same look I bet I was giving her (protip: it wasn't polite).

"You... you sold us out?" Jimin asked weakly.

"Aw, little brother, I would never," Rosè cooed, feigning sympathy. Her frown curved into a sly smirk. "At least, not yet."

I growled. "I told you, Jimin, we should never have trusted—"

But it was too late. Rosè held her phone to her ear with a dainty hand—a hand that should have never been able to commit such blasphemous crimes.

"Mr. Park? Dad? Hello? Yes, it's Rosè." Rosè smiled sweetly, winking at me and Jimin as if she were a butcher and we were her fresh meat (which at that time, might have been the case)."Add the bounty reward to my paycheck, please. I'm bringing home the bacon."

Okay, so, I released this chapter only now, even though it was written months ago (my fetus self wrote this h u r r a h), so I apologize if the ending will be too pretentious or childish or disappointing. I have upcoming stories that might be better, in a way. Anyway, I'm still alive. Dying, but still alive. How've y'all been?

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