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A/N: that image was the time when ARMYs photoshop skills got unleashed


As they walked out of the door, Jimin planted eye contact with his younger brother. "You'll regret this."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Hyung, when he comes back"—the room's temperature lowered by a thousand degrees—"he'll be a freaking machine—OW!"

Taehyung pinched Jungkook's arm. "LANGUAGE, JESUS CHRIST!"

Jungkook sighed. "Or maybe my mom."


Y/N's POV:

"Well, that was fun," I remarked, returning to my seat, Jimin joining me.

"It's been a... while," Jimin muttered, "And the tension is thicker than ever."

"Tell me about it."

"Anyway," he chose his words carefully, and I thought I would be hearing something complex from his mouth, "I missed you."

Oh. Such simple words. I couldn't put my finger on it. But I blushed anyway.

Oh, I mouthed. "Me too."

The silence ensued.

I cleared my throat. "Remember that time when Yoongi bought me roses, and you got jealous because he gave me roses, and not you?"

•~•JIMIN's POV•~•

Y/N cleared her throat. "Remember that time when Yoongi bought me roses, and you got jealous because he gave me roses, and not you?"

Actually, I was jealous because I wasn't the one who gave you roses, I wanted to say. But I kept my mouth shut.

"Y-yeah," I chuckled. "Good times."

I watched as she struggled to remember other experiences during our childhood. She was trying hard to keep the conversation going, and she saved me because I didn't have anything else to say.

Yet the silence and watching Y/N think... I liked that. The way her nose scrunched up and her eyes twinkled while she was thinking, the way she tugged at random strands of hair gently to keep herself from being too awkward, and the way she fiddled with her thumbs trying to look civilized. I liked that a lot.

"—do you remember?" She was saying.

"I'm sorry, what?" I blinked, freeing myself from my trance.

"Ah, never mind. Are you sure you're okay? You haven't been yourself today." Y/N asked, tilting her head to the side.

I felt my cheeks heat up all over again. "Please stop staring at me."

"O-oh, sorry."

"B-but thanks for asking," I tried for a smile, although I couldn't, with the rate of how much I was blushing at the moment, "I'm fine, so I don't really need any—w-what—"

Y/N had laced her fingers into mine, the way she had did with Taehyung earlier today. Jesus, I felt like my body was on fire (A/N: nOBODY SINGS THE SONG ISTG IF YOU DO THAT).

"Um." I gulped awkwardly, staring at the hand.

Y/N attempted to yank her hand away. "I-I'm sorry! It's just that you l-looked so—"

"No, wait!" I yelped, gripping her hand tightly by reflex. It surprised her, but it surprised me even more, which just made my blushing even worse. "Wait. I-It's fine. It's okay."

"Oh. In that case," she held out her other hand—rather, a fist. Was she asking for a fist bump? "Best friends?"

I smiled and returned the offer, "Best friends."

The door swung open. Clad in a business suit, a gold chain (A/N: this isn't yoongi fyi don't sue me im not making agust d the bad guy), and a gun aimed for Y/N's head, my father stood by the doorway. "The others don't approve of her, and neither do I. She'll go around telling the others about this. It was a mistake saving her. I go on a business trip for one week, and this—"

I stood up. "Dad, I can explai—"

"She isn't part of this organization, and she doesn't have the right to know anything about us renegades!" he snarled, "Move away, Park Jimin. I'm not afraid to shoot."

He moved from the doorway and into the room, and then to the large windows behind us that showed us a view of the majestic Seoul city skyline. The doorway was slowly flanked by the members of the organization, but all of them were anxious to shoot. My dad was the only one confident enough to be a man of his word. He really was going to shoot.

I stood up from the table, still holding Y/N's hand tight, gesturing her to follow me. I whispered, "Get ready to jump."

"One more step," He snarled, "And I will behead you where you stand."

Y/N's POV:

Jimin stood up from the table, still holding my hand tight, gesturing me to follow him. He whispered, "Get ready to jump."

"One more step," He snarled, "And I will behead you where you stand."

"Jump?" I choked. "Where are we even going to—"

In a split second, I heard a gunshot, and at the same moment, I saw a golden bullet on the table, neatly sliced in half. "Let me guess," I muttered under my breath, "Pocket knife?"

"Bingo," Jimin chuckled, squeezing my hand tighter.

His hand flew to his coat pocket and he threw something at his dad.

I yelped, my eyes widening in realization. "You can't kill your own—"

His dad howled in pain, but he wasn't dead. His leg was slightly grazed, from what I was guessing, neatly pinned to the floor. To imagine that the boy beside me used to wear glasses in his younger days. I wonder what would happen if his eyesight were clearer?

"Get ready to fire!" The people by the doorway barked, aiming their guns at the both of us.

"No! Don't shoot!" His dad ordered, "Only I get to kill my own son with my hands, and I get to decide whether he dies or not!"

"Twisted." I remarked.

And we made a run for it. Jimin yanked my hand—dear Lord, we were going to jump out the window, like they did in the movies.

Jimin's father growled as we ran past him. "You are a disgrace."

Jimin scoffed. "Says the one who made me."

"Savage," I muttered under my breath.

And with that, we crashed through the gigantic glass windows and got smacked in the face with the fresh Seoul city wind.

God, we were in trouble.

A/n: longest chapter so far you know what else is long? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Not my patience LMAO dont kill me we all need jisoos here okay

PS fam we need a bigger fam to wallow in pain with :(( could you please share this book w your friends so we can all be a happy fam? Thanks fam :DDDD

(PS ask them to bring holy water and cheetos)

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