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Vmin yall

On the concrete floor lay a half-dead, half-deadly Park Jimin.

Blood was pooling on the floor.

But it wasn't from him.

I heard the clink of a bullet on my left—he wasn't hit.

Behind me, Taehyung was gripping his leg weakly. Jimin had sliced his leg, enough to make Taehyung collapse. I stared at Jimin in horror.

"What the heck?!" I shrieked, but Park Jimin was absolutely shameless. He stood up silently and brushed his winter clothes off regretfully.

"You're not thinking clearly, Kim Taehyung," he said monotonously, "Rethink this. I'm begging you."

"You little—"

<disturbing punching sound deleted>. Taehyung crunched against the alley wall and was out cold on the floor.

(A/N: i cant wait to see what expletives v has in store for us jk no im not)

I grabbed Taehyung's gun from the concrete and pointed it at Jimin. Even if I was somewhat angry, I couldn't shoot, and even Jimin knew that. Jimin pulled out his phone and started dialing a number. He put it to his ear, said something into it, and ended the call.

"The ambulance will be here soon," he muttered darkly. "Be prepared with an explanation."

I shivered with anger. "An explanation?"

"It's already obvious, isn't it? You knew it from the start." Jimin said, smiling weakly, "Your cousin's now a killing machine, we're being chased across the country by a mob syndicate, and you stole the heart of an assassin."


"..nothing serious, really. Just a minor concussion and an easily healable gash on his thigh. He'll be out in no time," the doctor said.

He was dressed in regular doctor clothing, and his glasses seemed three sizes too small for his round, cheerful face.

He stared at me as if asking, Who is this boy with you? Who was that other kid who got injured? Where are your parents? Are you drunk? I think I'm gay for the boy beside you, and stuff like that.

"Yeah, well, you don't want to know," I replied. He seemed surprised that I answered a thousand questions he seemed to want to ask. I glared at Jimin. "You really don't want to know."

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. I wanted to trust him, and I actually did. I liked him, but almost killing my cousin and dragging me into his mess of a life was kinda pushing it.

Jimin lowered his head. I kinda felt sorry for him. It wasn't like I didn't know the truth. I knew the truth about him being a killing machine. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him for disappearing in the first place. Love really is blind.

Jimin opened his mouth slightly. "Y/N, I—"

"I know."

His eyes widened. "You do?"

"I just didn't want to not trust you. I'm sorry. I'm probably acting irrational right now."

"S-so you know... what the organization really is? What we do?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What about the organization?"

He sighed. "Well—"

"Are you the Y/N person who went missing a few weeks ago? And is the person in the ward your cousin Kim Taehyung?" A voice said.

A policeman (no, it isn't Jungkook, but keep dreaming xD) stood in front of where we sat. The doctor had already left us several minutes ago, and the hallway was practically empty.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

Jimin lowered his head and seemed to cover his face with his hood. "Don't answer him," he whispered.

"Well, Miss, I'm gonna have to ask you and your cousin to come with me," the policeman said, holding up a flyer with my and Taehyung's picture with the large words missing on it. And then he turned his attention on Jimin. "Oh, and Mr. Park Jimin, was it? You're under arrest."

hey fam im back from the dead :O anyways, if you liked it pls share this story w your friends so they can all join the fam and be bangtrash together we're not just armys, we're bangtrash hell yea okay im sorry for leaving you hanging for this chapter i swear ill make it up to you. probably.

so apparently i thought up another story plot that i could work on. clues: yoonmin, angels and demons.

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