;;Chapter Two

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           The man that was talking before approached me, holding something sharp containing a fluid. "I never fully introduced myself. I am Dr. Norris, but you can call me Norris. We are going to inject a few things into you and I expect you keep quiet and calm. I want no interfering, or struggling. If you interfere with our experiment, I will punish you."

           After he had finished his statement, he put down the sharp object and brought over a table that had some sort of contraption with a tube connected to it. Next to it, was another sharp object with fluid. He put on some gloves and picked it up. "I'm going to use this needle to inject something into your neck. Do not squirm." Norris said, then taking the needle and poking it into my neck. I flinched as he injected the liquid into me.

           Norris put the needle down and took the tube in his hands. Positioning the tube near my mouth, Norris said, "Open wide." And I did so, opening up my mouth almost as wide as I could. After that, Norris started to shove the tube down my throat. It burned as it went down, it felt as if I was choking. I tried to move my hands to my mouth to pull the tube out, I tried as hard as I could. But I couldn't do it. The tube move down further and further, and then it stopped before it got to my lungs. I felt as if my throat was on fire. I couldn't speak.

           When the tube was near my lungs, he let it go and grabbed a black roll. He began to unroll it and then he cut off a piece, turning to me. "Close your eyes." I closed my eyes, and I could feel something being put on my eye, and then the other one. A moment later, I felt a needle jabbing into the side of my lower-back.

All I could make was muffled noises at first because I could slowly feel my body becoming numb. Within forty five seconds, I couldn't move or talk. I tried as best as I could, but nothing came out. Not a single word nor mumble, not a single movement.

I thought I wouldn't be able to feel any pain because I couldn't move, but I was wrong. I could feel them cutting into me. I could feel the sharp knife going through my scales and my skin. I could hear them chatting in the background.

           "He has blue blood, write that down." Somebody said.

           "Put one of his scales in a bag, we need it for research." Another said.

           It seemed as if hours of endless pain passed by, and then I heard them say something that would've made me cry out tears of joy.

          "Start sewing the wounds up, we're done with him for tonight. Good work." I could tell that it was Norris talking. By the time they were done stitching me up, the numbness began to leave my body. Norris took the tube out of my throat and the things off my eyes, I had to blink at least ten times just to get the room in focus, but I could still barely move. After they took that off my eyes, they undid everything that was holding me down. The clamps holding my arms, my tail, and my stomach.

          I could see that the sling was already being lowered down towards me, and that I would have to grab it to get away from them and back in my tank. Once it reached me, I made my best effort to sit up or at least grab the thing but I didn't have the strength to do it. I fell right back down on the table. "You useless thing! You should at least be able to do this." Norris said, annoyance in his voice as he watched. He moved his way towards me and grabbed me, then set me in the sling. "Get out yourself." He said, then the sling moved towards the tank, and once it was above it and slightly in the water, I rolled off of the sling.

           I was finally back in the tank, away from them. Once I was in, the sling went back in the hole in the ceiling, he came over and put the lid back on the tank, locking it shut. All I wanted to do now was curl up into a ball and cry. I hurt far too much from when they dug into me, and my throat still burned from the tube.

           Norris was near the edge of the room cleaning out supplies and moving the tables to the side of the room as well. Once he was done with this, he made his way to the door and turned off the lights to leave, then I heard the door open and close. I was finally at peace. Until I heard a huge bang on the side of the glass that made me hit myself against the other side of the tank.

           "You never told me you could glow! Why didn't you tell me?" Norris said, I could see a hint of anger in his expression.

           "I never felt the need to." I mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

           "Speak up. I can't hear you." He said.

           "I never felt the need to.." I said, louder.

           "I still can't hear you! Stop blowing bubbles and start saying actual words!"

           "I never fe-" I began, then I got interrupted.

           "Nevermind, I can get you to talk tomorrow this is wasting my time." Norris turned around, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him, locking it.

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