;;Chapter Five

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          Hey, guys! Sorry for not uploading in a while, I have been very busy with life. This chapter is kind of short, and I had some trouble with writing it because I didn't really know how I would 'approach' the situation I had in mind. Hopefully, I start updating normally again.

          Also, I haven't checked this part for grammar mistakes or how it's written, so sorry if it's a little crappy.

          Finally, thank you all SO MUCH for 700+ reads! I never thought a story I wrote would go this far. What amazes me is that it is still growing. 


Keiths POV

          "Shiro, we need to check this out. Come on." I pleaded, tugging on the hem of his shirt.

          "Keith, we could be in danger. A huge explosion just went off. Here, we are alone. There are no hospitals around for miles."

          "Exactly, Shiro. There are no hospitals for miles. There is nobody around for miles. That's why this is so weird. Come on Shiro, we have to check this out." I pleaded once again.

          Shiro sighed loudly, "Fine. But we can only go and investigate, we aren't staying for long. Get the four-wheeler, I'll get some supplies." I nodded happily, grabbing the keys and running out the front door towards our shed. I opened the doors, climbing onto the vehicle. Turning it on, then drove out front and went back into the house. Shiro was crouched at the coffee table putting a couple bottles of water and some snacks into a bag, along with a small handkerchief. I don't know why, but Shiro has always put those things in the bag before we went out to get stuff.

          "The four-wheeler is out front and ready to go," I said, smiling proudly.

          Shiro nodded, acknowledging what I said. "Can you grab me the house keys and my boots?"

          I hummed in response, grabbing the house keys and his boots off the ground. Handing them to him, I paused to turn and grab my boots as well.

          "Thanks," Shiro said, zipping up the bag. He slipped on his boots and put the keys into his pockets. "Let's go," He said, getting up and walking out the door. As he was saying this, I currently only had one boot on. I got up hopping on one foot, slipping the other on as I went.

          I locked the door and shut it behind me, walking to the four-wheeler and climbing onto the back. Shiro looked back at me, nodding. After that, the four-wheeler took off in the direction of the smoke.

          As we drove, we finally approached a large gray building. It was surrounded by a large fence, and there were some cars parked in the front. They looked somewhat like military cars. There weren't many windows and there was a large antenna on top of the building. We came to a stop about 10 feet away from the fence, staring up at it. It was pretty tall, but it didn't have any electrical wires on top. We could climb that.

          I got off of the four-wheeler, looking at Shiro, "So what's the plan? Do we just scale the fence or do you have a plan?"

          "As of now, I don't have a plan. But, if we do scale the fence we might trigger some alarms."

          "Shiro, there's already alarms going off. Are you deaf?"

          Shiro was silent for a couple of moments, slightly annoyed. "Shut up. I guess we can scale the fence. Let's go."

          Shiro grabbed our bag from the back of the four-wheeler, putting it on. I was already climbing the fence, and Shiro was now below me climbing as well. After a few moments, we were on the ground at the other side.

          "So, you wanna walk through the front door and see what happens or are we going for the sneaky route?" I asked.

          "Since we don't know the building, I think we're going to have to go through the front doors. Be prepared to run if we need to, okay?" Shiro said, with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

          "Okay," I said, following him as we got closer to the door. Shiro took a handle, pulling it lightly at first to see if it was locked. To his surprise, it was unlocked. He looked at me uneasily, pulling the door open gesturing for me to go inside. As I stepped inside, I looked around in horror.

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