;;Chapter Six

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          This story is literally about 30 away from 1k reads. I'm so happy and excited. Thank you all so, so, much for reading!!


Keith's POV

          I walked into the building, then I froze in horror. There were bodies strewn across the floor, each wearing a horrified expression. Shiro came in after me, having the same look of horror on his face. Whatever happened here, it was bad.

          Shiro put his hand on my shoulder startling me. I looked at him, I could feel tears burning in the back of my eyes. "Keith.. I think the best thing to do right now is to look for survivors. Try to ignore the bodies on the floor."

          All I could do was nod. I was at a loss for words.

          Shiro and I walked through the hallways, inspecting different rooms looking for people who survived. In every single room, there was nobody. Everybody they came across was dead. While in the rooms they found in some of them there were weird creatures, some they've heard of in myths and some of them they've never heard of ever before.

          "Shiro, I don't think there are any survivors. We're nearly done and all we've found are weird creatures and dead bodies."

          "Keith, it was your idea to come here. We're going to search the entirety of this place." He said, moving onward to the next room. Shiro opened the door, stepping inside with me following him. The room was plain and empty, except for some trays along the side and a tank in the middle of the room. Inside the tank appeared to be a mermaid. Well- merman.

          He was floating in the tank and the only thing that seemed to be moving was the rise and fall of his chest. He was pale and looked like he hadn't eaten in awhile, and his body had tons of scars.

          "Shiro, he's alive. He's breathing."

          "I'll see if I can wake him up or anything. Stay back here just in case anything.. Happens." He said, walking to the tank. At first, he looked somewhat confused, then he tapped on the tank waiting for a reaction. After a few moments of nothing happening, he tapped on it again this time with more force. I moved closer in curiosity, and I could see his eyelids fluttering open.

          "His eyes are opening," I whispered, inching closer once again.

          "I know.. And stop moving forward I can see you. We don't know what it can do, and I don't want you to get hurt." Shiro said, opening his mouth to say something else, then closing it as it started to move.

Lance's POV

          My eyes slowly opened and my head hurt like a pounding thunderstorm. I slowly moved forward, looking around. My eyes grew wide when I saw two unfamiliar people standing outside of my tank. All I did was stare at them, not knowing what to say. They stared back at me for a few short seconds until one of them spoke, "Ah... You're awake." He paused for a few moments, thinking about what he was going to say next. "I guess we should introduce ourselves. I am Takashi Shirogane, but you can call me Shiro. The kid behind me is Keith." I stared at the two, examining each one carefully. I looked at their features, before finally managing to say, "I'm Lance."

          Shiro stared at me once again, thinking what to say, "So... do you know what happened here?"

          I shook my head, "All I remember is that I heard people screaming and alarms going off. After that, I guess I passed out. I have no idea what happened."

          Shiro glanced at Keith, then looked back at me. "Hmm.."

          "Is everybody alive?.." I asked.

          Shiro hesitated for a second, "I'm sorry... But everybody we've found so far is dead, other than you."

          For a moment I was happy, then I switched to worried, "How..?"

          "We're not sure. We came here because we saw an explosion and smoke."

          I stared at them for a few moments, then an idea came into my head. "Wait.. if everybody's dead, then that means... I'm free?"

          "Free? Were you held prisoner here?"

          "Yeah, I guess you could say that," I said. Then, Keith came up from behind him tugging his shirt, "We could probably bring him home or something and help him.. You know, get our trailer and put him or his tank on the back."

          Shiro turned to Keith, "I don't know if he'd let us do that, plus there's the chance that it won't fit.."

          "Then we put him in the back or something. We can... get a mattress with some blankets and... I could stay in the trailer with him to help him stay on."

          Shiro sighed, turning back to me, "Well.. if you are looking for a way to escape or something, we could help you, I guess."

          "Escaping... I've thought of that since I've been captured. Please, please, help me escape." I said, putting my hands up to the glass.

          "Alright. Now, would you rather travel with your tank or can you breathe out of water?"

          "I can breathe out of the water."

          "Okay, so would you rather travel in your tank or do you think you can travel on a mattress with some blankets?"

          "Whatever easier for you guys, I guess," I said.

          "Alright.  Keith and I are going to go back to our house to get some equipment and the trailer. We'll be back soon, alright?"

          I nodded. After that, they left.  

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