;;Chapter Three

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           Every hour I lied awake was another hour of torture for me. Sure, all of the scientists and men working on me were gone, but the vision of them tearing into my flesh made it torture alone. I was left in this tank by myself, drowning in my thoughts. Drowning in the pain they left for me to carry. It took me hours to fall asleep because of this torture.

           The following morning, I woke up to a bright light shining down on me from the large window in the center of the ceiling. I could see my reflection in the tanks glass. I looked miserable. I was pale, and i had bags under my eyes let alone the stitches that now decorate my body from where they cut into me. Almost every part of me ached.

           Today went on with me sitting in my tank. Nobody came in, nor out. I could only stare up at the window, admiring the bright blue sky decorated with clouds floating by. The thing I wished most was for me to be out there and out of this miserable place. Back in the water with my family and friends, with Hunk or at least somebody I knew. Not alone, constantly being tortured by these burdens I carry.

           Soon, I heard the door click and it slowly opened. In came Norris, carrying a chair. He silently walked in avoiding my gaze, placing the chair in front of the tank. He unlocked the lid to my tank and took it off before finally sitting down and looking at me. He began to speak, "About yesterday. Your... tattoo patterns can glow in the dark. How come you didn't mention this to me? You should tell me any important information that I would need to know about your species."

           "First off... they're not tattoo patterns," I said, "They're just normal patterns. Every merpeople is born with them. We use them for self defense. To scare off the predators. I didn't think I would need to tell you since it's common, It isn't too important."

           "Every detail is important and essential to our research. Is there anything else you didn't bother to tell me?"

           "Most merpeople have extensive beauty and amazing voices when singing. Merpeople also connect to plants or animals on... another level. We can tell what their feeling and sometimes talk to them. We also cry black tears."

           "Good, good. Is that all?" Norris said, scribbling things down on a notepad.


           "Then.. that will be all. Goodbye." Norris said. With this final statement, he put his notepad on the chair and made his way over to close my tank's lid. Once the lid was on and locked, he picked up his notebook and chair, turned off the lights, and left. He closed the door locking it without another word.

           The only light in the room was once again the small window in the ceiling, and the sun was setting. Slowly, it was getting darker. The blue sky faded into a pastel pink, then to a navy blue. The clouds had disappeared and it was silent once more.

           Once the sunset had finally shifted to a star filled night sky, the room was dark and my patterns began to glow. I could see nothing but the faint blue glow emitting from my tank. I floated in the tank, curled in a ball. I still hurt, and the images of the scientists came back to haunt me once more. I tried my best to fall asleep. I slowed my breathing patterns, I closed my eyes as tight as I could.I have been using these methods for almost an hour, until I finally fell asleep.

          I woke up by loud banging and laughter. I wiped my sleepy eyes, and the room became clear. I was back home. How? I looked out the window and I could see my family playing. My brothers, my sisters. I could see Hunk. Everybody was there. I immediately got up, swimming as fast as I could towards them.

          Hunk spotted me with a soft smile, "We're playing hide and seek want to join?" I nodded, swimming over to Hunk.

          "Who's it?" I asked.

          "Julie. We need to hide, c'mon." Hunk said, taking my hand and swimming behind a rock. We both peered over the side, watching as Julie searched for the others. Within the first minute or so, a person was found. Then within the next five minutes, there were 4 people found. By the time we reached 15 minutes, me and Hunk were the only left. It took them about two minutes and they finally found us. We were now gathered in a small clearing deciding who would be it next. Suddenly, everybody started yelling and swimming away. I had no idea what was going on. I looked around in confusion, "Whats going on?"

          "Swim away, there's a net!" Julie said in a panicked voice.

          I looked up, seeing a huge net above me. I tried to swim down further to keep it from getting to me, but my tail got caught in the net. I tugged and pulled, but I couldn't get it free. I was stuck. The net was lowering down on me. By now, Hunk noticed and he was swimming towards me with wide eyes. I reached out towards him, hoping I would be free. There were tears in my eyes, "Hunk!" I yelled.

          "I'm going to get you, Lance!" He yelled back, swimming as fast as he could.

          The net was now closing in on me and my tail was still stuck in it. I gripped the rope, even more tears now filling my eyes. Hunk was now at the net, tugging and pulling with all his might. There was no use, it wouldn't budge. I was doomed and stuck, and the net was now coming back up towards the surface. Pulling me away from my family once again. I brushed Hunk's face, "I'm sorry.." I said. That was the last thing I said to him before being taken.

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