;;Chapter Thirteen

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Hey, so this chapter is pretty badly written and yes, I know it has definitely been a while. Sorry about that. On a scale of 1-10, writing motivation has been about a 1.5, and my motivation alone is probably a 3. I've been very busy lately with a LOT happening in my life, so I haven't had a ton of time to write, anyway. I was originally going to leave this story as it was without a final chapter, but I started to feel bad and here we are now. I know its not much and its badly written, but I hope this will do for the end. If not, then feel free to make your own.

Anyway, this is the last chapter of Submerged. This story has come way farther than I ever thought it would, and I thank all of you for that. Not to get all sappy or anything, but I love all of you guys.

Season 8 was also... interesting. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but wow. I'm hurt. But I loved it.

If you guys would like me to write more (not to this story), maybe drop some ideas below for me.

I love you guys so much <3


    We stayed like this for a while, holding each other tightly to the point where we could barely breathe. The moments had gone by in silence as we took in everything that was happening, our focus only on each other.

    "Lance.. I.. I thought you were dead. We all thought you died. After.. That thing took you away, I.." Hunk words fumbled out in frantic sobs as his embrace tightened.

    "I know, I know..." I managed to say. I had no words, I thought I would never see him again. Only until I felt his hand brushing my cheek did I realize I had been crying.

    "We.. we need to get you back, everybody will be so happy... Your mom.. Ever since you were taken, shes been cooped up in her room and will only come out when she needs to. Lance... We need you." He said, looking at my eyes. As he said this, I started to sob more, leaning onto him. He continued to look at me, his eyes drifting from each feature of my body. Only now did he notice the scars, the chunks of my skin and tail missing, the dark lines on my face.

    "Lance.. What happened to you?" He asked, his voice shook. Keith and Shiro stood in the corner awkwardly watching, until they eventually decided to leave so we could have privacy. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say.

    "They.. They did things to me. They poked at me and cut me and tortured me.. I don't want to go back, Hunk. I don't want to go.." My words came out choked and torn as I looked up at him, the fear in my eyes growing with every second passing.

    "Lance, I-" Hunk tried to speak but I kept going.

    "I don't want to go back, Hunk.. You have no idea what they did to me. I.. I tried to find you guys.. We went to the beach and looked, but nobody was there. I felt hopeless.. I thought I would never see you guys again." At this point I was struggling to breathe and I attempted to calm myself as Hunk wrapped his arms around me.

    "I'm so... so sorry, Lance." He said, his voice broken. It was all he could manage as he hugged me tighter. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and eventually I calmed down, looking up to him with puffy eyes as I silently shook.

    Me and Hunk had stayed sitting in silence for a while as I began to relax, until he finally talked.

    "I had no idea, Lance.. I'm sorry. Its just.. Its been almost four years." He said, "Everybody misses you. I've been searching for so long."

    I remained silent.

    "We can go home.. You can see your ma' and family.. Pidge, Matt.. they're all waiting for you."

    I looked up to him, "That would be nice.. But.. What about Shiro and Keith? They've helped me so much and I.." I spoke, then turning to a whisper. "I think I like him. I don't know." I was unsure of myself but the thought of leaving them, of leaving Keith, it just hurts me.

    Hunk didn't say anything.

    "I.. I don't even know how to transform yet like you, and its just been so long.."

    "Lance, its okay.. We're here for you.. We'll figure something out."

    I nodded. Eventually, we spent about an hour or so discussing things, until eventually we settled on a plan. I would go back with Hunk, spend time with family, and learn how to transform, then return back to Keith and Shiro. We discussed this with them as well, and they agreed. Keith seemed a bit hurt, but his smile was genuine as he hugged me when Hunk carried me away.

    It was peaceful outside as we made our way home, and eventually I was in the arms of my mother surrounded by my siblings and friends. I settled back into home, learning to look human and visiting Keith and Shiro every now and then. Months had soon passed and it was my time to go back to them, and I returned. It hurt to leave my family after such a short amount of time, but when I had went to live with the two it felt right. I had still went to visit my family often, sometimes taking Shiro and Keith with me so they could see everybody at the shoreline. Unless they were feeling a bit adventurous or I wanted to tease them. I may or may not have pulled them in a couple of times. Just a couple, promise.

    My family was happy, and so is Shiro, Keith, and I. That's all that matters to me. Everybody is safe, and life is good.

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