;;Chapter Nine

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          When I woke up, I was greeted by a smiling face and an aching back. To my surprise, it was not Shiro, but it was Keith. At first he was a bit startled when I woke up, and I was a bit startled when I saw him standing right over me. I slowly sat up, noticing I was slouched in the tub.

          "Uh... good morning?" I said.

          He hesitated for a few moments, "Good morning."

          "So, uh.. Did you enjoy watching me sleep?"

          "Oh, er- right! Sorry, I came to wake you up. We have something for you." Keith said, beckoning Shiro into the room.

          "Close your eyes and don't open them until I say so," Shiro said, winking a bit.

          I closed my eyes, and then Shiro picked me up. We moved throughout the house, and then outside as I felt a slight wind. Then he stopped, "You can open them."

          I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. Then, I saw a pool about the size of the house outside. I was almost speechless.

          "How... how did you do this? You didn't have to.."

          "It's fine, it was really no trouble at all. We took a large tarp and laid it down, adding some wood and other things to keep it up. Then we filled it with water."

          "Ah.. Can I.. go in it?"

          "No. We kept it here so you could admire it. Only for show," He said with a small chuckle.

          At first I was a bit sad, then I remembered, "That was you being sarcastic wasn't it?"


          I let out a small sigh, and then Shiro began to walk towards the pool. Once we got near it, he set me in gently and I went into the water. At first it was cold, but I quickly adjusted. I hung onto the edge looking at Shiro and Keith.

          "Thank you so much.. I don't know if you guys know how much this means to me, but it means a lot. It's been so long since I've actually gotten to swim."

          Shiro and Keith smiled, and then they began to take off their shirts. I was flustered at first, and then they jumped straight at me and dived into the pool. Shiro hit his head on the ground because he was too tall, and then he came out of the water. Keith and I could barely control our laughter. Shiro looked around for a few moments, rubbing his head and then he smirked, splashing water at both of us.

          Eventually, this pool became a battleground. There was water flying in all directions, with no intended direction. It's only purpose was to hit random objects in its path. We were doing this for at least three hours, until I realized I was hungry.

          "So.. what do you guys have to eat?" I asked.

          "Uh... multiple things like.. Food," Keith answered.

          "I see, very descriptive," I joked.

          "Yes. Uh, if you want I can bring you out something."

          "That would be great," I answered with a small smile.

          After that, Keith climbed out of the pool and dried himself off with a towel, trying to get most of the water out of his mullet. Keith's mullet is so cute, I thought. Now it was only me and Shiro left in the pool. It was fairly quiet, and then Shiro spoke.
"I think I'm going to go inside, do you need anything?" He asked.

          "No, I'm fine," I answered. Shiro gave a brief nod and then he climbed out of the pool and dried himself off with a towel as well, grabbing his clothes on his way in. When he went inside, a moment later Keith came back outside with two plates of food.

          "I grabbed some fruits because I remembered that's what Shiro gave you earlier, if you want something else you can tell me and I'll get it," He said, handing me a plate. "Can you hold mine for a moment?" He added in. I nodded, taking the plate.

          Keith climbed onto the side of the pool, about to slide in. Unfortunately, instead of sliding in he gracefully fell in. Keith came out of the water a bit startled, smoothing his hair out of his face.

          "Uh... Whoops?" He chuckled. I had tried to hide my laughing, but I failed. I bursted out, almost dropping the plates in the water.

          "Here, take your plate," I said, handing it to him. He took the plate and ate a piece of fruit off of it. I also started eating, picking out the ones that looked the best. Once we had been eating for a little while, it started getting awkward.


*Please Read!*

How would you guys feel about me ending this book and starting another fanfiction? I've been thinking about either doing Lance Oneshots or another Langst I've been working on about team Voltron being captured by the galra. If I do end this, which should I do, and is there anything you'd like me to do? 

Also: If I did upload some of my other works (like mini stories or stuff like that) would you read it?

Please comment your opinions. 

Thank you!! <3

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