;;Chapter Eight

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         As we drove through the desert, I took my time to absorb the scenery. Of course, there was sand, and occasionally a plant or two, but it was mostly bare. Which, in my opinion, was very boring to look at.

          I spent the majority of the time looking at the sky, imagining it was the sea. Ever since I was captured, I had always wondered what it would be like once I was free. I didn't imagine it to be like this, but it's better than nothing. If they hadn't come to that place, I probably would have been stuck in that cramped tank forever, and I might have not even woke up.

          Then, a sudden noise jerked me out of my thoughts. The engine to the fourwheeler had stopped. I averted my gaze from the sky, looking at my surroundings once more. It was almost the same picture as before, except we were now in front of a small shack. It was a bit shabby, it looked abandoned.

          "Alright, we're here. I'm going to carry you into the house and put you in the bathtub," Shiro said, "Keith, can you hold the door open for me?"

          Keith hummed in response, holding open the door for him, stepping aside so he'd have enough room to bring me into the house.

          After that, Shiro walked to the mattress where I was sitting and he picked me up bridal style once again. He brought me into the house, and in my opinion I guess you could say it looked a bit better than it did on the outside, but I didn't have as much time to look at it because he took me right to the bathroom.

          Once we got into the bathroom, it was cramped. He gently put me down into the bathtub and I fit in snugly, it was almost as big as my tank.

          "So, uh, do you need anything?" Shiro asked.

          "Uh... food, maybe? I'm not really sure," I mumbled.

          "Alright.. I'll see what I can find."

          After that, he walked out of the room. I didn't have much to think about, so like I always do, I looked around the room.

          It was a beige sort of color and there was a mirror hanging a little bit above the tub with a small sink under it. There were assorted bottles on the sink, and a small can next to it. To the side there was a window with radiant light shining through and a toilet on its opposite side.

          Within a few moments, the door opened and Shiro came in holding a plate with food on it. It looked delicious, and I could feel my mouth start to water the moment I saw it.

          "Hey, I brought you some fruit, I'm not entirely sure in what you like, so I brought what I could," He said, handing me the plate.

          I took it, looking at the food for a few moments, examining it. One of them was a reddish color and another was yellow. They were bright and I've never seen them before. After a few moments of hesitation, I finally put one in my mouth and started eating. It was one of the best things I've ever tasted. Either that, or it's been way too long since I've had something decent to eat.

          Shiro sat down on the toilet to the left of the tub, "So.. your a mermaid?" He asked.
"Yes.." I answered, adding a sarcastic tone, "I mean, for a couple of days I thought I was a coral reef, but I think I have myself figured out." I joked.

          Shiro chuckled a bit, then asking another question, "How long were you in there?"

          "Three years."

          Shiro contemplated on what to ask next, sitting still for a few moments, then asking again, "So, do you have a family?"


          "If you would like, once your healthy, we can take you back to the ocean, I know the way there."

          After Shiro said that, my face lit up. "You'd do that for me?"

          "Of course," He answered, smiling. "Do you need anything else?"

          "I don't think so... you wouldn't happen to have a bigger uh.. Container or something so I could swim? I mean it would be good for me. I haven't really been able to swim for almost three years."

          "I'll see what we can do, now its late, so please try to get some sleep."

          I nodded, and then he got up and opened the door, "Good night," He said.

          "Goodnight, see you in the morning." I mumbled, now realizing how tired I was. After he closed the door and turned the lights off, I almost instantly went to sleep.


Hey guys, this is a bit of a shorter chapter, but I really wanted to upload it now. I don't know how often I'll be updating currently due to the holidays, so please bear with me as I try to squish in writing between everything else. 

I hope you like this new chapter!

Also, this book is probably going to be ending soon (but don't worry, there's probably about 10 or so more chapters to come), but I need to decide which story idea to go with next. I have multiple ideas, and some of them are based off of things I've seen on various social media sites.

I've been thinking about Altean Lance a lot, and some Galra Keith, some role switches, etc. So, could you give me a couple of suggetions on what to write in the comments? Thank you!

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